10 November 2023 – Eagle’s Eye – Part 6

Genesis 18:10&12 Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him…So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?”

An “Eagle Eye” means a person who is watchful and careful to notice even the very small details and the minute specks.”

There is nothing invisible to the Eagle Eyes of the Lord. He can see and hear our thoughts, doubts and deliberations. The physical and spiritual realms are the same to Him. As much as He can hear what we say with our mouths He can also screen through the thoughts of our minds. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar (Psalm 139:2). There is nothing hidden from His eyes.

When we pray it is not just the words that come from our mouth but it is also the thoughts that we process that stand before the Lord. God can see and hear both our declarations and the dregs of doubts.

In the Ancient culture women were not part of a conversation in the congregation of men. Hence Sarah was listening to the conversation between Abraham and the three angelic visitors from behind the curtain in the tent. When she heard the Lord saying that about this time next year she will have a son, she burst-out into giggles and laughter but the Lord God saw her thoughts through the covering of the pergola and caught her red-handed. The Lord God takes our thoughts seriously. Thoughts that will ignite faith speed up our answers and thoughts that incite doubt will delay our breakthroughs.  The Lord God can see through us and read the thoughts of our mind and heart.  

The Lord’s Eagle’s Eyes:                                                                                 

1.     Doubts: God hears our declarations but He sees our silent thoughts. Our minds should never engage in doubtful thoughts. Demons inject disbelief and wait for us to react. They cannot read our thoughts but eagerly watch like hungry beasts for us to impetuously retort to the ugly and anxious thoughts that they infuse into our mind. Interject doubtful thoughts with bold declarations from God’s Word. Don’t entertain doubts.   

2.     Dreams: Divine dreams are always much bigger than us. God’s dream for us will always be incredibly big. The Lord God waited until Abraham hit a century before he birthed the son of promise who became a nation. If our dreams are humanly achievable then, they are not God-Dreams; they are our ambitions. Don’t let your thoughts defeat the divine dreams that God has for you.

3.     Dismiss: Dismiss derogatory, demeaning and discouraging thoughts. Thoughts that we entertain grow until we are swallowed by distrust. Snap it in the bud. A qualm must be dismissed before it becomes a quarrel. 

The Eagle Eyes of the Lord can read our thoughts from afar.

1 Chronicles 28:9b The LORD searches all hearts and understands all the mind’s thoughts.

Prayer: Father God, help me to be careful about what I think. Teach me to crush qualm, anxious thoughts and disbelief before it takes root in my mind.  Amen.

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