21 November 2023 – Virtues, Values and Visions – Part 3

Acts 10:10-11 He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners.

Visions change perspectives and fine-tune our purpose.  Purpose turns visions into actions. Purpose without visions, we will be pointless and visions without purpose are useless. “Without vision, you have no direction. Without direction, you have no purpose” — Steve Gilliland. Vision is the picture of the destination but purpose ordains our step to get there. Vision without execution is only hallucination!

At the same time, vision that is not on a solid foundation of virtues and values will crumble. The journey to help, give, serve or make a difference will never be easy. Godly visions will be criticized and only those who have developed godly virtues and values will be overcome condemnation and cynicism. Those who give up easily or walk away when stormed by disapproval or disappointment had built big visions on sandy soil.

Apostle Peter had a strange vision. He saw unclean animals and birds descend down from heaven and a voice saying, “Get up, Peter. Kill and eat.” The vision had unclean meat that was forbidden by the kosher law regulations mentioned in (Leviticus 11). The Lord was communicating Peter’s mission with the Gentiles who were once far away from God. The gentiles and non-Jews have now been accepted through the blood of Jesus. The vision changed Peter’s mind and missionary journey. He went to the house of Cornelius, the Italian believer, to preach the gospel to the Non-Jewish gentiles. 

The German-born missionary Reinhard Bonnke received a call to serve in Africa in a dream at the age of 10. In a dream God told him “Africa Shall Be Saved” and he saw a picture of the map of Africa sprinkled with blood. He preached ‘Africa will be washed by the blood of Jesus’ and served in Africa, bringing millions to Jesus, for 60 years!     

Virtues, Values & Visions:

1.     Discouragers: Apostle Peter was attacked and questioned for following the vision. When discouraged by people whom we expect to support, virtues and values will become our pillars that we hold on to.  

2.     Detractors: There will be more disparagement than encouragement. There will be false pejorative reports and deceptive rumours when we follow our God-given vision. Even the most powerful squads of witch-doctors could not chase Reinhard Bonnke out of Africa. When detractors are hurling offensive propaganda our virtues and values will be our best friends.  

3.     Directions: The vision gave Peter the direction to his journey. Hold on to the vision that God has given you. Write it down. Pray over it. Seek God in fasting and prayer for direction to bring the vision to fruition.     

Seek God for a vision for your life. Build your vision on godly virtues and goodly values.

Job 33:14-15 For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to find my purpose through a vision or a dream and mature my virtues and refine my values. Amen.

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