23 November 2023 – Virtues, Values and Visions – Part 5

Genesis 39:12 She caught him by his cloak and said, “Come to bed with me!” But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house.

Virtues and values keep our vision alive. Visions without values will vanish. Compromise of godly virtues and values is not the shortest route to destiny. There is no shortcut to success. There is no fast lane that leads us to our destiny. The lane of honesty and hard work is the only lane. Those who let the guards of their virtues and values down to reach their vision will only destroy it prematurely. “All roads are tough, but you have to choose the one you know you’ll never be sorry for taking” – Chris Burkmenn.  

It was the virtues and values of Joseph that kept his dream alive in the darkest phase of his life. He had two dreams of his destiny as a teenager but the envy of his brothers tried to sabotage his dreams and sold him as a slave into Egypt. His dreams were dispersed by the unexpected squalls of life. But Joseph did not get bitter with people or with God. He was neither angry nor astringent. Most importantly he did not compromise his virtues and values out of frustration and disappointment. He continued to hold on to loyalty and integrity even in slavery and the Lord’s favour protected him and his dream. Joseph waited for 13 years for the prophetic dreams to be fulfilled. The wife of his master Potiphar goaded him with temptation day after day yet he did not yield to her idiocy. And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed with her or even be with her (vs 10). If Joseph had chosen the easy way to success, he would have lived in duplicity and dishonesty and would have remained in the house of Potiphar for the rest of his life.  Joseph was rewarded and elevated beyond measure as he refused to choose shortcuts to success.

While delays make our vision dimmer and darker, godly character, virtues and values will revive, energize and carry us to our destiny.

Virtues, Values & Visions:

1.     Darkness: Your vision is alive even in the utter darkness of the unknown. When you feel lost in the atrocity of the unforeseen circumstances of life, remember, godly visions are still alive as long as you don’t find shortcuts to success.    

2.     Dungeon: Your vision is still real when we feel incarcerated and debilitated by the challenges of life. The favour of God is on those who fear Him and He will deliver them from the chains of mishaps, mistakes and mistreatments.  

3.     Dump: Your vision cannot be killed in the dump of betrayal, backstabbing and bickering. People can slander and slur yet they cannot destroy the destiny of God’s children who refuse to let go of their godly virtues and goodly values.     

Don’t compromise; there are no shortcuts to success. Virtues and values will keep our vision alive.

Genesis 39:9b “How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?”

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, when I’m tempted to compromise, please give me the strength to fight-back and resist worldly attraction. Amen.

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