27 November 2023 – Hurts, Burns & Wounds – Part 2

Proverbs 19:11 “Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.”

Offence is like a broken arm. It must be held in place, on a plaster cast, to be healed. If a fracture is left untreated, the bone may heal in an incorrect position, which can lead to chronic pain and limited mobility. If timely treatment is not given it could develop a serious infection or become permanently deformed. It could also cause long-term problems for the joins.

Metaphorically, offence can cause fractures in the soul. The soul must be held together in a plaster made out of love, forgiveness and godly understanding to be healed. If the right treatment is not given at the appropriate time the fracture could become infected with enmity and animosity or even cause a deformity to the personality. Offense can separate families and friends over silly matters.

To put our soul on a cast would be to hold back our emotions and words. It would mean to rest before reacting or retaliating. Retorting would widen a hairline crack into a broken bone. While David was fleeing into the wilderness during the odious attack of his son Absalom, Shimei, a family member of Saul confronted the king with curses and threw stones at the king’s officials who were following him. As he cursed, Shimei said, “Get out, get out, you man of blood, you scoundrel! (2 Samuel 16:7). David in his nobility did not react to the misdemeanor nor did he let his officials take the sword out of their scabbard. However, when David returned back to his palace after Absalom’s defeat, Shimei son of Gera crossed the Jordan, he fell prostrate before the king (2 Samuel 19:16a) and pleaded for mercy for his foolishness.   

While reacting and retaliating worsens the fracture, casting and resting heals the soul/character.   

Resting and Casting a fractured soul:

1.     Defame: When hurt by a friend or a family member don’t slander under the banner of sharing. Share your pain, take counsel but also put the matter at rest. Stop talking about it to everyone you meet. Defaming the one who has wounded us will aggravate the agony. Let God deal with the offender and allow Him to heal your offended heart.  

2.     Shame: A broken soul is shrouded with toxic shame that can cause a person to think they are worthless. Shimei called David a scoundrel and blood thirsty man! He shamed and blamed him for the ruckus and the rumpus. But David walked away. God will humble the people who slander, blame and shame us if we restrain from reacting to offense.     

Blame: Don’t blame others for your pain. “No one can hurt you without your consent” – Eleanor Roosevelt. While the cast heals our fracture with forgiveness God will contend with the offender.

There is no quick fix for a fracture similarly offense takes time to heal. Don’t defame the wrongdoer. Resting will recuperate and heal the fracture in the soul.

James 1:19 “Swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.”

Prayer: Father God, when offense fractures my soul, teach me not to fret but to remain in the cast to heal, rest and rebound. Amen.

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