28 November 2023 – Hurts, Burns & Wounds – Part 3

Genesis 29:32 Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, for she said, “It is because the Lord has seen my misery. Surely my husband will love me now.”

Rejection leaves third-degree burns in the soul. First-degree burns affect only the outer skin leaving red non-blistered skin. Second-degree burns cause thickness of skin and blisters, but third-degree burns are serious wounds that damage all three layers of your skin. Metaphorically, rejection of a close kin can leave third-degree burns in the soul. The layers of self-worth, self-esteem and security will be eroded by the burns of rejection. Rejection can corrode motivation, lead to isolation and eventually into depression. The injury that rejection leaves on the soul will be like third-degree burns.

Leah was rejected by her husband Jacob. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance (Genesis 29:17). She probably had squinted eyes. With modern optical advancement, she would have needed awkward thick glasses to see. Leah lived under the constant pain of rejection as her sister Rachel was beautiful and attractive. Growing up in the same house was difficult, but getting married to the same man left third-degree burns on Leah’s soul. To gain the attention and approval of her husband she resorted to performance and people-pleasing techniques. She thought having babies would gain her husband’s love, but after having four sons she realized that “praise” was the antidote to “rejection”. She named her first son Reuben meaning (“see a son”), second Simeon (“God heard that I am unloved”), third Levi (“now my husband will be with me”) and fourth Judah (“Praise”). Her third-degree burns were healed by “praise”.         

Rejection leaves third-degree burns in the soul. Praise is the antidote that heals rejection.

Healing from the burns of Rejection:

1.     Performance: Rejection can have two paradoxical effects. Complete erosion of motivation or an adrenaline rush to “overdo” to be accepted. Performance based acceptance is enslaving. It incarcerates people into a cycle of overworking to gain attention and appreciation. Over a period of time it will leave them weary and worn-out. After birthing four sons, Leah stopped performing to gain acceptance.    

2.     People-Pleasing: Rejection distorts the minds to please people at their own expense to gain prominence and acceptance. Such people struggle to say “no” and constantly apologize. Childhood trauma, relationship breakups or dysfunctional families morph the personality of a person to please others to be accepted. People-pleasing is a sin. It is an anxiety response that misaligns with God’s plan.    

3.     Praise: Praise is the therapy that heals rejection. Praise sets the discombobulated mind distorted by rejection – “free”. Praise when you feel the pinch and the pain of rejection. “You’re only overlooked, rejected and ignored by the people who are not meant to be in your life. Let go in peace, look ahead in gratitude.” People who left us were not meant to be part of our journey. 

Praise and rejoice when you are slammed by rejection. Rejection removes people who would have destroyed our destiny.

Genesis 29:35 “This time I will praise the Lord.” So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, heal me from the burns of rejection and help me to turn them into scars or victory. Amen.

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