29 November 2023 – Hurts, Burns & Wounds – Part 4

Isaiah 1:5b Why do you persist in rebellion? Your whole head is injured, your whole heart afflicted.

Head injury can cause loss of coordination, judgement, unsteady walking, dizziness, slurred speech, chronic headaches, indigestion, vomiting or nausea. Traumatic brain injury can cause changes to thinking, memory, language, motor skills and visions. Rebellion has the same effect of a traumatic head injury on the soul. Rebellion changes the thoughts, the tongue and vision. Rebellion distorts the thoughts, then twists the talk until it affects the walk. Judgement becomes poor, walking becomes wobbly and vision grows dim. The longer a person walks in rebellion the more the damage to their soul. Rebellion is as sinful as witchcraft, and stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols (1 Samuel 15:23). Just as witchcraft controls and influences, rebellion infiltrates and destroys the soul.

Isaiah relates the rebellion of Judah and Jerusalem as people who have had a traumatic head injury and a massive heart attack. From the sole of your foot to the top of your head there is no soundness— only wounds and welts and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with olive oil (Isaiah 1:6). Arrogance and conceit had lured them to wander away from the protection of God and hence, their spirit-man had been battered from head to toe. They were practicing the superstitions of the East and the divination of the Philistines (Isaiah 2:6). Their hearts were far away from the truth, hence they were afflicted and agonized by fear and frenzy.

The recommendation of the neurologists for recovery from head injury is rest and then gradually resuming to normalcy. “Neuroplasticity is your brain’s ability to regenerate itself by making new neural connections”- Dr. Caroline Leaf. Dr. Leaf says that the brain regenerates itself by regular meditation. Likewise, regeneration from a rebellious lifestyle is a step-by-step rebuilding process of repentance, meditation and reconciliation.

Healing from head injury:

1.     Rest: Plenty of rest is required for the brain to recover and regenerate itself. Similarly, a rebellious soul must rest before they can start running again. Saul who was transformed to Paul the Apostle was struck with blindness for 3 days. As the world around him darkened, the truth in his heart started shining brighter and brighter. Paul also retired for 3 years in Arabia to be tutored by the Holy Spirit to preach the gospel. Rest before running is inevitable.   

2.     Resume: The pathway to recovery from brain injury is to resume good thinking, talking and exercising patterns. Resetting the routines plays an incredibly vital role in healing from the damages of rebellion. Regular prayer and methodical study of the Word of God is crucial for recovery.       

3.     Remain: Feeding the brain with good brain-food such as nuts, seeds, berries and beans helps the brain to regenerate. Symbolically feeding and nursing on the sap of God’s Word helps us to remain bolstered in obedience.  

Rebellion causes severe traumatic head injuries that discombobulates the mind. Rest, resume and remain in God’s Word to rebuild a life of obedience.

Isaiah 1:5 Why do you want to be beaten again? You continue in rebellion. The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.

Prayer: Father God, if there is any rebellion hidden in me, help me to drive it out. Amen.

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