30 November 2023 – Hurts, Burns & Wounds – Part 5

Psalm 51:8 Make me to hear joy and gladness, Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.

Broken bones are like broken relationships. When a bone breaks the area becomes inflamed, swollen, red and painful sending signals to the body to stop using it. Blood rushes to the broken bone and forms a protective blood clot and callus around the fracture. This is the body’s response to bone injury or fracture. Figuratively in a broken relationship, the blood of Jesus gushes towards the broken bone to bind it back together. The blood binds, heals and restores the relationship. Without the blood there can be no binding, healing or rebuilding.

The vicious cycle of sin broke David’s relationship with the Lord. He coveted, committed adultery, conspired, murdered and concealed his transgression under the carpet. Sin broke the close communion with the Lord. David was living with the fractured relationship until the blood was offered as atonement for his sins. Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow (vs 7). After repentance and blood sacrifice he prays, Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.

Both our relationship with Jesus as well as with people can be healed only with the blood of Jesus. Our soul should respond like our body. Our body wastes no time. Blood and other nutrients are rushed to the site of the damage to prevent infection or any bacteria that might have entered our body. Similarly, the blood of Jesus protects the heart from being infected with animosity and bitterness. Healing begins almost immediately when the blood becomes our protective callus around the broken relationship. Forgiveness floods in and godly understanding encompasses our mind and heart. Allow the blood of Jesus to inundate the painful broken relationships, hurts and wounds. 

Healing the broken bone:

1.     Break: Fractures in relationships are bound to happen as long as we live on this earth. Be it a hairline fracture or a broken bone, blood is the healing remedy. The deluge of forgiveness becomes the callus and the plaster cast that heals our brokenness and heals the relationship.    

2.     Blood: The protective blood-clot and callus is the antidote for the broken bone. Then, new “threads” of bone cells start to grow on both sides of the fracture line. These threads grow toward each other to close the fracture. Most fractures take 6-8 weeks to heal. Broken relationships with the Lord will heal immediately but relationships with people could take time. Be patient, and remain in the cast until your brokenness is fully healed.         

3.     Build: Physical therapy and exercise are essential to rebuild strength in the broken bone once it is healed. Likewise, exercising love, compassion and discernment will rebuild the broken relationships. Do not avoid talking about the fracture but as you rebuild, don’t blame or shame. Healthy discussion will rebuild the broken relationships.    

The blood of Jesus is the antidote for broken relationships.

Proverbs 3:8 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.

Prayer: Father God, help me to remain in the cast of forgiveness until the brokenness is healed. Amen.

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