02 December 2023 – Hurts, Burns & Wounds – Part 7

Psalm 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Overwhelming grief, disappointment or disillusion can cause emotional and mental agony and break the heart. Unbearable distress causes depression. Depression can penetrate a person in layers. The first level is when it affects the emotions. Emotional pain affects the moods and feelings. Emotional pain is expressed as agitation, anger and anxiety. Withdrawal and isolation would be the first signs of poor self-esteem, self-care and self-worth. A crushing feeling of worthlessness and hopelessness are few noticeable behavioral changes of emotional pain. Mental pain is much deeper than emotional pain. Mental pain affects rational thinking and decision making capabilities. Mental trauma affects the normal life of a person. It is a state where at times tranquilizers might be required to calm the racing mind and fluttering or fretting soul. Both emotional and mental wounds are psychological pain but the Lord is the healer of the brokenhearted. Therapy and rehabs cannot heal the brokenhearted. They are only temporary pain reliefs but permanent healing comes only from Jesus.

Brokenness can make us bitter or better but when brokenness draws us close to God there will be a breakthrough. We read that Hannah’s depression which was caused by barrenness was not just emotional; it mental as it affected her normal life. While others were feasting and enjoying, Hannah was starving and crying. Her husband Elkanah said, “Hannah, why are you weeping? Why don’t you eat? Why are you downhearted?” (1 Samuel 1:8b). She was not able to gather her emotions together and get through her day. However, in her brokenness Hannah ran to the feet of the Lord. The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18).  

Heal the brokenhearted:

1.     Calm: The first step to healing is to calm the racing thoughts of accusation, condemnation and worthlessness. He will calm the storm in the soul and help us to see that He is bigger than the tornado that is devastating our mind and moods.

2.     Clean: Secondly He will clean the toxin, poison and deception that had taken root in our soul. A pattern of crooked thinking is like a root of a tree that runs into the foundation of the house. Such roots can damage the structure of the building. Likewise, lethal lies of the devil will destroy our personality and character. Detox your mind; say no to ugly/demeaning thoughts and uproot deception.         

3.     Create: Thirdly He will give us a new heart. When God heals, He does not repair but replaces our heart and personality. The Lord healed Hannah not only of barrenness but also from brokenness. Then she went her way and ate something, and her face was no longer downcast (1 Samuel 1:18b). She was emotionally healed hence she was not depressed and mentally healed hence she could resume to her normal life and partake in the feast.     

Brokenness of heart can be healed only by the compassion of Jesus.

Revelation 21:4a He will wipe every tear from their eyes.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, only you can heal the brokenhearted, traumatized in the soul. Heal me and use me to heal the hurts, burns and wounds of others.  Amen.

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