04 December 2023 – Mysteries of God – Part 2

Job 11:7 “Can you fathom the mysteries of God? Can you probe the limits of the Almighty?

The mysteries of God have no human explanation or medical, scientific or archeological evidence. A war cry and trumpet blast brought the walls of Jericho tumbling down. When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city (Joshua 6:20). Archeological evidence states that the walls around the settlement of Jericho was at least 13 feet (4 metres) in height, 6 feet wide, backed by a watchtower of about 28 feet tall to protect the settlement and its water supply from human intruders.  A massive earthquake did not flatten the walls. There were no bombs or bulldozers to knockdown the fortifying walls of Jericho. It was the invisible giant shovel manned by the hand of God that crumbled the walls down. The mystery of God is the only elucidation to the leveling of the impassable walls.

Archaeologist Byrant G. Wood of the University of Toronto said, “When we compare the archaeological evidence at Jericho with the biblical narrative describing the Israelite destruction of Jericho, we find remarkable agreement.”

Once God has spoken the end of a problem the impenetrate walls will vanish like vapour before our eyes. Speaking His Word, prayer and praise activates His miracle working hand. The divine hand of God will barrage through the barred and barricaded encumbrances. Miracles are mysteries that can never be fathomed with brainpower, medical evidence or scientific validations.  The mystery of a miracle can never be proved. Miracles and mysteries are God’s footprints on the earth.   

Miracles are mysteries that cannot be rationalized:

1.     ImpassableTrust and obedience are the two legs to walk us into the miraculous mysteries of God. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you (Isaiah 43:2a). We have to walk through the surging flood and not cringe or complain in fear. Our steps of faith will take us through the impassable blockages.  

2.     ImprobableConfession and declarations are the trumpets and shouts of victory that will turn the improbabilities into opportunities. The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the army, “Shout! For the Lord has given you the city! (Joshua 6:16). Our affirmations activate the divine shovel of God’s hands to break through the improbabilities.   

3.     ImpossiblePatience and perseverance walk us into the impossible miraculous mysteries. The people were not allowed to speak a word for seven days as they marched around the towering walls of Jericho. On the seventh day, the seventh time they raised a war cry and shouted victory. Impatience will force doubtful and destructive words that will damage our destiny.    

Mysteries and miracles are the mighty invisible shovel of God that has no rational evidence.

Isaiah 43:2b When you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, give me the spiritual stamina to press past the logical and intellectual thoughts to trust & obey, confess & declare and patiently persevere to experience your mighty miraculous mysteries.  Amen.

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