06 December 2023 – Mysteries of God – Part 4

Numbers 17:8 Now it came to pass on the next day that Moses went into the tabernacle of witness, and behold, the rod of Aaron, of the house of Levi, had sprouted and put forth buds, had produced blossoms and yielded ripe almonds.

Mysteries manifest as miracles in God’s presence. “The secret of the mystery is: God is always greater. No matter how great we think Him to be, His love is always greater” – Brennan Manning. Anything dead, dry and decimated left in the presence of the Lord will be revived. Dead dreams, desperations, devastated prospects brought into God’s presence take root and bear fruit. Our mighty God doesn’t waste any of our experiences; He uses even our failures and flaws. The mercy of God is the reviving catalyst that gives a broken life a complete makeover and turns them into a masterpiece!

Botanists have proved that large, established tree branches would not grow roots however, young tree branches less than a year old soaked in water and soil can grow. Moses got all the twelve tribes to bring one staff each. The dry staff or stick from each tribe was named and left at the presence of the Lord. Overnight, the dry stick of Aaron sprouted, budded and blossomed ripe almonds. The sticks placed in the tabernacles were not soaked in water or moist soil. The shepherd staff was a hardwood walking stick or a weapon in ancient days. It was not a young tree branch that would rejuvenate. Moreover the budding season of an almond tree is about seven to eight months. Overnight Aaron’s rod sprouted, budded, blossomed with ripe almonds! Mysteries would manifest in God’s presence.  

Leaving our burdens in the presence of the Lord will turn the burden into a blessing. It is important to leave the burden at the feet of the Lord. If we pray about the dead or desperate situation and then take the burden with us, we cannot expect it to bud, blossom and bear fruits. We must leave it in His presence for the mysterious miracle to manifest.       

Mysterious miracles in God’s presence:

1.     Bud: A dead dry situation will revive in minutes when it is drenched by the presence of the Lord. The dead stick of Aaron brought forth fruits overnight. It does not say if the staff of Aaron was a stick from an almond tree. Biological genetic variation occurred in God’s presence! There will be character transformation to the likeness of Jesus in God’s presence. 

2.     Blossom: There were buds, blossoms as well as ripe almonds on the staff of Aaron indicating the promising future and calling of Aaron as the first High Priest of Israel. God will use the same dry situation to decorate our future.        

3.     Birth: The presence of God is the birthing womb of miracles. His presence will unveil the mysteries of God.  

Take your dead, dry and decimated desperation and leave them in His presence to sprout, bud, blossom and bear fruits.

Numbers 17:10a The Lord said to Moses, “Bring Aaron’s rod back before the Testimony, to be kept as a sign against the rebels.

Prayer: Father God, I leave my dead dreams and desperations and wait for your presence to turn them into ripe almonds.  Amen.

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