07 December 2023 – Mysteries of God – Part 5

2 Kings 6:6 The man of God asked, “Where did it fall?” When he showed him the place, Elisha cut a stick and threw it there, and made the iron float.

The mysterious miracles of God masticate the Laws of Physics. Laws of Physics are scientific conclusions that ‘a particular phenomenon occurs if certain conditions are present’. The density of the object must be less than the density of water to float. If an object is more dense than water it will sink when placed in water. There is also water pressure that pushes the object in all directions. Upward push is called buoyancy.

Prophet Elisha had a team of juniors and the house they were in was too small to accommodate the growing number of disciples. Hence with the approval of Prophet Elisha they ventured to fell wood near the river to build a bigger hostel. One of the junior prophets had a freak accident as he was trying to chop a tree. The iron axe-head slipped from the holder and fell into the River Jordan. The Jordan River can be 50 to 200 feet (15 – 60 meters) deep! “Oh no, my lord!” he cried out. “It was borrowed!” (vs 5b). Elisha cut a stick and threw it into the river and the stick made the iron axe-head float! The stick that Elisha touched became the magnet that drew the iron out of the river bed.  

In God’s mysterious miracles He will use the most menial, minor/insignificant and meager/weak/frail to perform His mighty miracle. The properties of wood are quite the opposite to the properties of iron yet, the wood attracted the iron! It is the simple skimpy steps of consistent perseverant prayer, fervent faith and fasting that will accelerate mighty mysterious miracles. It is the repulsive old rugged cross, detested by the world that draws the lost, lonely and the licentious to the shelter of salvation.              

Mysterious miracles defeat the Laws of Physics:

1.     Density: The intensity of our problem and the density of the pain might be beyond human redemption but the cross of Christ will change the properties of iron to that of a wood and make it float. The damage of an abuse/divorce/betrayal might have drowned our self-esteem and self-worth but Christ will draw us out of the dreadful drowning depression and help us to float again. The law of density will be defeated by the mysteries of God.    

2.     Propensity: The propensity of any object is based on its properties. Wood will float and iron will sink. Likewise, the propensity of human reaction to defamation, delay or denial is dread and depression. As we walk in the light of the cross, the law propensity of human reaction will be replaced with godly responses.         

3.     Sensitivity: “Sensitivity” in scientific terms means “irritability”. Sensitivity to God’s voice in a precarious situation will trade ‘irritability’ with ‘serenity’. Sensitivity to God will overrule the law of scientific sensitivity.      

God’s mysteries defeat the Laws of Physics.

2 Kings 6:7 “Lift it out,” he said. Then the man reached out his hand and took it.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, let me not be flustered by the probabilities but walk in faith to see the Laws of Physics being defeated by the Laws of the Cross.  Amen.

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