30 December 2023 – Halftime – Part 7

Job 14:5 A man’s days are numbered. You know the number of his months. He cannot live longer than the time You have set.

Duration of a rugby game is 80 minutes divided into 40 minutes with a 15 minutes break of halftime. Duration of a football game is 90 minutes with a halftime break of 15 minutes. Normally the second half of the game after halftime is intense. Every move of the players would move them closer or further away from victory. Hence they have to play intentionally and not carelessly. They must be focused and not distracted; be influential without intimidating. The fitness of the players is very important. They must be strong with good muscle mass, aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, agile, and mobile; however, if they do not play purposefully and decisively they will not win the game.

The halftime of a person who would live for 100 years would be 50 years but we don’t know how long we are going to live on this earth. For someone who will live only for 50 years, 25 years is their halftime. “My times are in Your hand” (Psalm 31:15a). Since we don’t know when our halftime kicks in, we must live everyday as if we are in the intense second half of life. Today is a good day to revisit our priorities, purpose and potential. Right now is the time to commit, surrender and realign our ways to fulfill our God given purpose. Sometimes, just one wrong move would make the team lose the game. Hence our choices, decisions and actions must be deliberate and resolute.     

Think big, envisage success and aspire significance. I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received (Ephesians 4:1). Our right choices will make our life to live worthy of our calling. A righteous lifestyle will not give us instant gratification but will yield long term repayment. Righteousness is like a ‘superannuation fund’; after years of consistent contribution we will receive a hefty settlement with interest when it matures. Live intentionally; inspiring and influencing those around you. Leave a legacy to the generations to come.

Live everyday as if you are in your second half:

1.     Intentional: Choose the highway of holiness intentionally. Holiness is the road to power and promotion. And a highway will be there; it will be called the Way of Holiness; it will be for those who walk on that Way. The unclean will not journey on it; wicked fools will not go about on it (Isaiah 35:8). Live intentionally.

2.     Inspirational: A lifestyle of right choices and wise decisions make our lives inspirational. Motivational speech can only hype emotions but a righteous lifestyle is inspirational and contagious.             

3.     Influential: Lead by influence. Consistent holiness will make us significant. Purposeful life will make us influential and direct the lost and lonely to the highway of Holiness.     

Choose holiness, inspire and influence others with your righteous lifestyle. Live everyday as if it is the last lap of your race.

Ephesians 5:16 I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, help me to live intentionally and inspire and influence others around me to live righteously. Amen.

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