02 January 2024 – The Rainbow – Part 2

Genesis 9:14-15 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life.

“When it rains, look for rainbows, when it’s dark, look for stars” – Oscar Wilde.

After a shower of rain, rays of light enter the raindrops suspended in air, the droplets act as a prism and splits into its component colours to form a rainbow with its seven colours. A prism is an optical element that is transparent and has flat, polished surfaces, which can be used to cause light to refract. Without the droplets on the sky, there will be no prism to refract the beautiful miracle of the multicolour rainbow. Rainbows never appear in a clear sky. We must have a darkened grey sky and depressing rainfalls before the splendid promise appears in the sky. 

The rainbow from the earth looks like an arch but the rainbow from heaven will look like a canopy or covering of protection that stops the flood from destroying all life. It is a symbolic representation of the everlasting covenant that the Lord God has made with all living things. Rainbows are emblems of new beginnings after a stormy, cloudy, wintery season. When we go through rainy days or even seasons of dampness and distressing drizzling, remember that it is the raindrops that are going to turn into prisms to form the rainbow. The same depressing problems that darkened joy and suffocated hope are going to become the prisms that refract the beauty of God’s faithfulness. Our teardrops turn into prisms that radiate the beauty of God’s goodness to the world, through our lives.

Only when light passes through the raindrops, rainbows are formed; metaphorically, only when the light of God’s Word passes through the teardrops of the trial, will we reflect the greatness of God.      

In 2024 turn every teardrop into a testimony:

1.     Prism: There is a rainbow behind the rainclouds. So do not fret but make a firm decision to turn your tears into prisms. Tempests turn us into transparent prisms to refract God colours into the dark world. God’s promises will shine through the flashflood as flashlights to reflect the glory of God.   

2.     Polish: The surface of the prism must be polished to refract light. Likewise allow problems to polish you to reflect Christ. The grumpy and garrulous leave a rugged surface and hence cannot refract the graciousness of God. Allow the problem to polish the surface of your soul.                                                                      

3.     Promise: The promises that we proclaim through the problem propels through the prism as pretty colours of God’s grace, goodness and grandeur. Polished prisms promulgate prolific promises of God.      

In 2024, turn your teardrops into testimonies, and problems into prisms that refract the promises of God.

Isaiah 43:2a When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to be a prism that will refract your promise through the problems and turn my teardrops into testimonies that will reflect your goodness. Amen.

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