07 January 2024 – The Rainbow – Part 7

Genesis 9:16 Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.

The rainbow in the sky is a pictogram of God’s everlasting love, tender mercies and unceasing forgiveness. It is a pictorial pledge that God made to Himself that ‘Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life’ (vs 15b). The research and study of rainbows is called ‘Spectroscopy’. Planetary scientists have concluded that there are 12 types of rainbow but they can be grouped under three classifications – Fogbow, Moonbow and Rainbow.   

A fogbow forms when sunlight passes through fog or a small cloud. The droplets of moisture from the fog work as the prism to diffract light. A typical fogbow has three colours: blue, white, and red. The majority of a fogbow rainbow is white, with blue appearing on the inside and red appearing at both ends. A Moonbow is also called a ‘Lunar Rainbow’ which occurs when the moon is fully lit. It is white and appears as a line around the moon’s outer rim. Only the rainbow that forms from the sunrays refracting through the rain droplets paint seven pretty colours on the sky.

Rainbows symbolize God’s unfailing promises. Rainbows disappear when the water droplets that look like teardrops are drifted away by the wind or form thick clouds blocking the sun from passing through them. Likewise, doubt, disbelief and indecisiveness will drift the promises of God away from our horizon. Allow the sunlight of God’s Word to pass through the teardrops and drive out the dark doubt and destructive distrust away. 

In 2024, look for the rainbow behind every cloud:

1.     Fogbow: We might go through foggy, hazy and misty circumstances, yet, when the light of God’s Word shines through the fog, a fogbow will form. Don’t let the fog block the view of the Son. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me (Psalm 23:4). Look for the fogbow through the fog.  

2.     Moonbow: There might be dark nights where we will have no answer for the struggles but watch out for the Moonbow. Keep your eyes on the moonlight and not on the dark uncertainties. I call to remembrance my song in the night (Psalm 77:6). His promises will be like the Moonbow that will turn into a song in the lonely night.

3.     Rainbow: We cannot see the rainbow in the sky if we keep looking down. You have to look up to experience and enjoy the rainbow. If you look at the world, you’ll be distressed. ‘If you look within, you’ll be depressed. If you look at God you’ll be at rest’ – Corrie Ten Boom. Look into the horizon and catch the rainbow of God’s promises.  

The Rainbow, Fogbow and Moonbow are reminders of God’s unfailing covenant with us in all circumstances. The secret to make 2024 a year of “supernatural breakthroughs” is to keep our eyes fixated on the rainbows of God’s promises.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, teach me to shine your light through my teardrops until I see the rainbow. May my tears never turn into thick gloomy rain clouds.  Amen.

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