08 January 2024 – Be Real – Part 1

Genesis 32:28 “Your name will no longer be Jacob. Your name will now be Israel, because you have wrestled with God and with people, and you have won.

You have been created to be ‘you’. “If you can be anything, be real” – Nicki Rowe. Circumstances, culture or crisis might force us to wear a façade and say or do things that make us feel ashamed on the inside. We have been uniquely created and with an exclusive purpose that only we can fulfill. We can never impersonate others. We can never be like our sibling, neighbour or our best friend. God has inbuilt everything that we need in us to be the special person He has created us to be. We don’t need the talents, good looks or gorgeous personality of another person to accomplish God’s purpose in our lives.

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.” – Shakespeare

To ‘be real’, there are two things that we must discover – firstly we must know ourselves and secondly we must understand our purpose. We must know our strengths and areas that need improvement. The strengths must be fortified and weaknesses must be actively worked on. We must discover our God given gifts and leverage them to bring glory to God. Aptitude, talents and abilities must bring glory to God. Anything that does not build our faith and bring glory to God will be vain efforts.

Jacob was a gifted chef. Once when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came in from the open country, famished (Genesis 25:29). The delicious smell of his stew tempted Esau to sell his birthright as the firstborn to Jacob. Jacob had a hidden agenda and moved maliciously to usurp the rights of his twin elder Brother Esau. He was an ostentatious fraud that cheated his brother, father and father-in-law until he encountered the Lord. The interjection with Jesus tore the mask of a crook and made him a prince. God turned a cheat Jacob into a champion! 

Be Real:

1.     Unique: We have been uniquely created to fulfill our purpose on earth. Get to know yourself, your individuality and specialties. Our gifts and talents will align with our God given purpose. The gifts and talents would have to be sharpened and trained but our intrinsic value is in our individuality.

2.     Ultimate: We are God’s ultimate creation, created in His own image. Our past mistakes do not define us. When the world saw Jacob as a deceiver and a fraudster the Lord saw him as the Prince and birthed a nation through him. Love yourself and learn about your exclusivity.

3.     Useful: We have a unique purpose. Only those who understand their purpose will live a useful life. All our achievements, accolades and awards will have no value if they do not achieve God’s plan and purpose. Find yourself and be real.   

We don’t have to be someone else. Be real. Be yourself and influence the world.

Romans 14:23 For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.

Prayer: Father God, help me never to wear a façade but to be myself at all times and accomplish your purpose on this earth.  Amen.

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