12 February 2024 – Metamorphosis – Part 1

Isaiah 62:2b You shall be called by a new name, Which the mouth of the LORD will name.

Metamorphosis (in an insect or amphibian) is the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. The metamorphosis of a butterfly occurs in four stages – egg, larva, pupa and adult. It takes about 30 days for the egg to become a beautiful winged adult butterfly. Once the egg hatches the tiny caterpillar starts to feed and grow. As their little bodies grow it splits the exoskeleton, which has limited stretching capacity, exposing the new skin. This process is called molting which occurs several times as the larva grows. Then the larva finds a protective spot and spins a silken cocoon where the pupa grows into an adult butterfly. In the cocoon the caterpillar releases digestive juices that breakdown most of its body into a “tissue cell-soup” which then develops into four wings, new legs, new eyes and new mouthparts. The metamorphosis of a butterfly is a perfect metaphorical representation of the growth of a child of God.

We hatch as God’s children in the womb of faith. Then like a caterpillar we feed on the host plant until we grow big enough to break the exoskeleton. The growth process of a child of God is very uncomfortable when the exoskeleton of rigidity, adamancy and arrogance are broken. The Lord also allows times when we will be lonely and plucked out of the crowd. We go through betrayals and backstabbing that spins a cocoon for us to seclude and develop wings, legs, eyes and mouth. The cocoon melts pride, self-confidence and selfishness and allows us to soak in “tissue cell-soup”. It is in the cocoon that we develop dependency on God, meekness and holiness. A fully developed adult butterfly splits the cocoon, crawls out and hangs upside down to facilitate stretching and drying its wings. Stretching and drying are inevitable exercises before it can fly.

The process of spiritual metamorphosis transforms us into a new person. The “New You” will be given a new name.     

Metamorphosis – stages of growth:

1.     Caterpillar: A caterpillar has an avaricious hunger to feed. Likewise, feeding on the Word of God with a rapacious hunger is vital for growth. Those who don’t spend time reading the Bible will remain as skinny, skimpy caterpillars.

2.     Cell-soup: Soaking in the tissue cell-soup is an important part of development. The process is very uneasy. The digestive juices breakdown selfishness, self-centeredness and self-importance to form feathers of love and compassion.           

3.     Cocoon: Remaining in the cocoon for 10 to 15 days is not a choice but a necessity for the caterpillar. Our cocoon experience of being alone with God is not a choice either. There will be people who will leave us, the fake and phony ‘so-called friends’ will wither away but loneliness is not to depress us but to be alone with God and develop pretty wings.   

Go through the metamorphosis gladly to develop into a beautiful butterfly.

Isaiah 61:6a And you will be called priests of the Lord, you will be named ministers of our God.

Prayer: Lord God, help me to understand the process of spiritual metamorphosis to be transformed into the New Me. Amen.

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