17 February 2024 – Metamorphosis – Part 6

Numbers 12:3 (Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.)

Metamorphosis (in an insect or amphibian) is the process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. There are sea creatures that go through metamorphosis twice. While butterflies, mayflies and frogs metamorphose into adults once, ‘barnacles and other marine invertebrates’ metamorphose twice during the life cycle. In the first stage, the eggs of the barnacles hatch into larvae with only a head and a tail. In the next stage it grows into a lightweight shell and glues its head to a rock or shell. These barnacles that we see in the shoreline then grow legs and the shell hardens. Eventually in their lifetime they metamorphose twice!

There is a need for us to spiritually metamorphose more than once. The first stage would be to disentangle from the past sinful lifestyle and then we go through several metamorphoses to become Christ-like, until we are rooted on the rock Jesus.

“The process of spiritual metamorphosis transforms us into a new person”.      

We see two distinct stages of transformation in the life of Moses. The first was when God melted and molded Moses from a prince to a priest and second from a priest to a dedicated pastor to lead ½ a million grumpy people. In the first metamorphose God worked on the impetuous reactionary prince. Moses killed an Egyptian who mistreated a Hebrew slave (Exodus 2:12b). In the second metamorphosis God stripped away his pride and clothed him with humility. In the latter half, when his brother and sister slandered about him and defamed him, we see a sober Moses. He left a legacy as the meekest man on the earth!  First stage was a transformation from a rash irrational man to a responsible priest and the second metamorphosis was from reactionary priest to a humble pastor.

We will go through several spiritual metamorphoses until we are stuck to the rock Jesus (like a barnacle – the sea creature).

Spiritual Metamorphoses:

1.     Seasons: In each season of our life there will be spiritual metamorphoses that transform us into the likeness of Christ. If we submit to our transformation we will not be stuck in our situation. It took Moses 40 years to be transformed from his anger tantrums and another 40 years to breakdown his pride. Spiritual transformation changes the seasons of our life.

2.     Stages: In each stage of metamorphosis there will be growth. For an insect or an amphibian the exoskeleton shreds, legs and wings will grow, likewise, in each stage of life, the hardness of our heart, pride, and self-centeredness breaks down and we start growing legs and wings to carry us to greater heights.           

3.     Several: Humans go through several spiritual metamorphoses throughout their life. In fact we are in a continuous process of transformation until we exit this world.       

Spiritual metamorphosis continues happening throughout our lifetime until we are stuck on the rock, Jesus Christ.

2 Corinthians 3:18b And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, I humble myself to be transformed into your image. Amen.

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