01 March 2024 – Summer Is Coming – Part 5

Genesis 7:17:18 For forty days the flood kept coming on the earth, and as the waters increased they lifted the ark high above the earth.

Imagine being encased in an ark. Bible scholars believe that the crew was in the ark for about 370 days. The eight humans who have never been on a sea voyage and animals, reptiles, birds and every other living creature of the earth were tossed and turned by the tidal waves of the flood waters. The experience must have been terrifying as they heard the screams of the drowning people around them. They had no television to broadcast the devastation of the floods. They would have had no idea as to what was happening on the outside. The flood waters dislodged the ark afloat. The waters rose and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the water. The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet (vs 18&20). But the eyes of the Lord God were watching the ark of Noah that was driven by the surge flood waters.

For days when torrents of rain and flood inundated the earth, the occupants of the ark did not have fresh air or even see a ray of the sun. It must have been dark, dreadful and depressing but Noah knew that ‘summer was coming’. The Bible does not give us details about the emotional turmoil that was in the ark but Noah would have kept the faith of the family together. He would have assured that God was watching over them. Then God said to Noah, “Come out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and their wives (Genesis 8:15-16). Then was 12 long months of waiting in the uncertain dark confinement.

There are times when the Lord God locks us in an ark with surging floods around us. The circumstances around us will not allow us to get out and the wait would seem to be unending. The raging wind, tornados and torrential rains of emotional, health or financial crisis might deluge around us but remember, “Summer is Coming”. The Lord who remembered Noah and the animals in the ark will remember us. Wait for the Lord to say, “Come out”

Summer Is Coming:

1.     Tide: Tidal waves of the surging flood will not drown us. The Lord will make us float through the tide.

2.     Tempest: The tempest in your career, calling or diagnosis might be dark and the boat might rock violently in the typhoon but God has not forgotten about you.   

3.     Trial: The trial is to be fixated on the God who will never forget or forsake us. 

Be the Noah to your family and assure them that “Summer is Coming”.

Genesis 8:1 But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

Prayer: Father God, help my faith to be anchored on you in the tide, tempests and trials of life and be rest assured that you are watching over me. Amen.

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