21 March 2024 – Securities – Part 4

Psalm 20:7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

The unpleasant link between celebrities and suicide is the pressure that comes with popularity and fame. The stress does not wear-off when they get-off the stage. A continuous performance pressure pushes the most talented and successful celebrities to take their lives. To calm their minds they normally resort to drinking and drugs. Substance abuse causes depression and drives suicidal instincts. The security of these booming men and women is in their ‘success’. However, unfortunately you can never be on top all the time. When the glamour settles gloom engulfs these very talented and skilled celebrities.

Security in talents, skills and achievements can grip us with the chain of insecurity. This is where King David was an exceptional celebrity and highly successful commander who won every battle but never allowed his accomplishments to enslave him with pride. He gave all the glory of his victory to the Lord. He shifted his security from his success to the Saviour. David won every battle but never allowed his victories to make him arrogant or self-confident. Winning over giants made him humble and not big-headed. He attributed all the glory back to the Lord.

As a sign of humility to give all the credentials of his triumph back to the Lord, David did something exceptional. David captured a thousand of his chariots, seven thousand charioteers and twenty thousand foot soldiers. He hamstrung all but a hundred of the chariot horses (2 Samuel 8:4). It might sound cruel to cripple the horses but David’s action was to symbolically accredit the Lord for his success and strength. His victory was not in his talents, chariots or horses but in the Lord.

Our security should never be in the degrees we hold or past accomplishments. All awards, accolades and achievements must be surrendered to the Lord, if not they would become our secret securities that we run to in times of need.

“Insecurity is security in the wrong place”.

Break-free from the insecurity of skills and success:

  1. Crown: Lay the crowns of success at the feet of Jesus. The crowns belong to Him and not us.
  1. Credit: When appreciation comes our way, we must be quick to surrender it to the Lord. If not, they would form a layer of fat around our arteries and clog our spiritual heart with pride. Burn the fat!
  1. Celestine: The secret to remain successful and end victoriously like David is to accredit the Lord and acknowledge Him in our victories, triumphs and success.

Success, skill and significance come only from the Lord. Don’t allow success to build a glass house of security.

1 Chronicles 29:16-17 O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you. I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. All these things have I given willingly and with honest intent.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I lay all my success, skills and significance at your feet. My trust is not in my achievements or accolades but You Lord. Amen.

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