23 March 2024 – Securities – Part 6

2 Chronicles 26:16 But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense.

The past achievements that become our “secret securities” will turn into pride. Pride is a self destructive weapon. ‘Above all, don’t dwell on yesterday’s victory. If your focus is on what’s behind you rather than what’s ahead, you will crash’ —John C. Maxwell. Celebrating success is important but dwelling on it would puff us up with pride. Our past should help us with our progress but we must be careful not to allow the past success to poison our present and pilferage our future.

King Uzziah was the King of Judah from (792 to 740 BC) for about 52 years. Uzziah’s achievements were profound. Uzziah built towers in Jerusalem at the Corner Gate, at the Valley Gate and at the angle of the wall, and he fortified them. He also built towers in the wilderness and dug many cisterns, because he had much livestock in the foothills and in the plain. He had people working his fields and vineyards in the hills and in the fertile lands, for he loved the soil. (2 Chronicles 26:9-10). He loved agriculture and horticulture. He not only fortified the walls of the city but also strengthened the army with arms and armaments. His fame spread far and wide, for he was greatly helped until he became powerful (2 Chronicles 26:15). However, his innovations, creativity and achievements made him egoistic and arrogant. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God, and entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense on the altar of incense (2 Chronicles 26:16b). His ego made him desecrate the holy place where only the priests were allowed. The Bible says that the Lord struck him with leprosy and he remained a leper in seclusion until he died. Pride is a self-destructive suicide bomb.  

“Insecurity is security in the wrong place”.

Beware of past achievements that can turn into pride:

  1. Accolades: Accolades follow creativity and innovations. Awards are for the high achievers however, the wisdom, acumen and sharpness to perform come only from the Lord. Give glory to the LORD your God before he brings darkness and before you slip and fall on the dark hills (Jeremiah 13:16). Hang the accolades in the prayer closet not on your porch.    
  1. Applause: Appreciation and applause must be bridled before it runs wild. It is not wrong to accept praise, but it is erroneous to build our security around the approval and applause of people  
  1. Arrogance: Arrogance is an exaggerated opinion about oneself. It is an offensive attitude of superiority. ‘Appreciation’ is how others esteem us but ‘arrogance’ is thinking too much about ourselves.   

Pride that follows achievements and accolades are dangerous self-destructive securities.

Proverbs 16:18 Pride leads to destruction, and arrogance to downfall.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the encouragement you give me with awards and accolades but help me not to allow conceit to enter my heart. Amen.

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