25 March 2024 – Mind Makeover – Part 1

Romans 12:2. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.

Extreme Home Makeover was a very popular American reality TV show where teams of contractors, designers and numerous workers race to rebuild houses in seven days. Mind-blowing renovations of the interior, exterior and landscaping is completed in a week and the family returns to a brand new renovated, refurbished and remodeled home. Our houses need regular maintenance. Older homes would need more frequent maintenance than the newer ones. Houses that are not cared for will soon deteriorate and depreciate.

Likewise, our minds need regular maintenance. Refurbishing, repairing, restoring, repainting and remodeling our mind will keep it sharp, sensitive and solicitous. Mind and brain are used interchangeably but brain is the physical organ composed of nerves and cells that can be touched but mind is a stream of conscious activity when we’re awake, and nonconscious activity when we’re asleep. Brain is the tool that helps to feed the mind with information. The mind, through the brain which is the CPU of our body, controls what we think, feel, learn, remember and respond. Hence the mind is a set of faculties that include emotions, feelings, imaginations, memory, intellect, perceptions and consciousness.   

However, very little care is given to both the mind and brain health. Renewing of our mind is to reset our perceptions aligned to the truth. Renewing is transforming to the thinking pattern of Jesus. Daily renewal of our mind will give us a complete mind makeover, over a period of time.  

“Moment by moment, day by day we are redesigning the brain of our thinking” – Dr. Caroline Leaf.

Renewing the Mind:

1.         Dust: Dusting is essential in a home as it improves air quality and reduces allergy. Likewise, our mind needs dusting every day if not futile thoughts will form a veneer and over time corrupting our thinking. An insult, an unpleasant gesture, a hurtful conversation and painful past must be forgiven and forgotten before it settles-in as dust in our mind. Dusty minds breathe unhealthy thoughts. 

2.         Dig: A bad reaction to an incident and oversensitivity has underlying pain or hurt that has been buried for months or even years. Dig out the reason behind the retort. We cannot paint a wall before sanding it first. Refurbish your thinking by digging out the hurt and hidden pain of the past and healing through the power of God’s Word and the blood of Jesus.

3.         Declutter: Our mind is not a dunghill for gossip garbage to be dumped. Refusal to replay painful conversation, recollect insults and recall the pitiful past will trash the toxic thoughts. Active thinking uses energy. So it is important to channelize our energy to productive use. Decluttering the mind renews our thinking.    

“Healthy mind is the key to a healthy man”.

Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.

Prayer: Father God, teach me to dust ugly thoughts, dig out hidden hurts and declutter unwanted garbage that occupies space in my mind and renew my mind to think like you every day. Amen. 

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