06 April 2024 – Wormwood – Part 6

Revelation 8:11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

The Romans referred to common wormwood as ‘absinthium’ meaning bitter. Wormwood is a popular herb used in witchcraft and hoodoo to communicate to the spirit-world, for incantation, divination, psychic development of unnatural sexual desires etc. Revelation 8 talks about a star named wormwood as a symbolic representation of the bitterness that will fill the earth. Hence, ‘Wormwood’, the bitter toxic herb, is a metaphor for bitterness and resentment in the Bible.

Most people who are angry or bitter with God struggle with an “entitlement mentality”. Others struggle to understand why an Almighty and All-Powerful God is unable to meet their needs and expectations. Those who embitter their relationship with their Savior expect a smooth ride once they sign–up to follow Christ. Our journey on earth will be bumpy and uphill but our Dear Saviour will always be by our side to keep moving forward. “The battle is to make us better, not bitter”. We will get stuck only when confusing questions, quarrels and quitting mentality overtake us on a rough road.

One of the common side effects of the drug or the drink made from wormwood is “suicidal instincts” or “hopelessness”. Elijah the prophet fled from the mountain top of victory, and curled up under a broom tree frustrated, fatigued and fearful wanting to die (after he brought fire and rain down from heaven on the same day). His expectation was that the evil King Ahab and Queen Jezebel would humble themselves before the God of Israel; but the wicked rulers hardened their hearts. The disappointment made him despondent and bitter. An entitlement mentality accompanied the accomplishment in his ministry. We see the same symptoms in many ministers who run a fierce race for the Lord.   

Protection against Bitterness:

1.         Question: When God chooses not to answer a question we must learn to submit to His authority. “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD” (Isaiah 55:8). He will only reveal things that our little human brains can comprehend. When God remains silent, become better and not bitter by trusting the Omnipotent. Submit to the silence of God.

2.         Quarrel: Let God be God. He runs the universe so let Him choose the time to give us the breakthrough, healing or the blessing in His time. When we stop quarreling He will quieten us with His love. With his love, he will quiet/calm all your fears (Zephaniah 3:17b). Stop quarreling and surrender.    

3.         Quit: Failure is part of growth. Falling is inevitable but quitting is an option. For a righteous man will fall seven times, and rise again (Proverbs 24:16). Bitterness will sink us in the rut of failure and convince us to quit but shake away resentment. Shake away bitterness.

Submit and surrender to the plan of God and shake away bitterness. Become better not bitter.

James 3:14 “But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth.”

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to protect myself from questions, qualms and quarrelling thoughts that sow bitterness in my soul. Amen. 

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