23 April 2024 – The Three Ms – Part 2

Luke 17:17 “When he came to his senses, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!

Change is always inside-out, not outside-in. The transformation of the heart and mind will change the vocabulary and the ways of a man. “In order to change what is on the outside, you must first change what is on the inside.” ― Idowu Koyenikan.

In the past few decades neuroscientists have found that it is possible for brain cells to regrow. This new science is called Neuroplasticity. It is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning, adapting to changes or following injury. Hence our brain has the capacity to replace and re-grow new brain cells. There is no age limit to transform the mind through the incredible capacity of the brain to learn and unlearn at any stage in our life. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2a). In the miracle of ‘repentance’ our mind reorganizes the synaptic nerve-cell connections to thinktalk and transform like Jesus.  Transformation starts in the mind, (the way we think and perceive), which will eventually translate to the mouth and change the man.

The transformation of the prodigal son began in his mind. He came to his senses, and then he spoke words of wisdom to himself after which took him back to his father’s house. Self-talk from a sensible mind supports us to unlearning the conventional and relearning the reformative way of living. 

Synaptic connection between Mind, Mouth and Morality:

1.         Think: Neuroscientists have confirmed that the density of positive and creative thoughts will effectively rewire the thinking patterns. Positivity comes from repeating and renewing the mind with the promises of God. Replace the problem statement with the promises and regrow brain cells, reshape thinking patterns and renew your mind.         

2.         Talk: Self-talk accelerates alterations in our thinking patterns. Childhood trauma from a dysfunctional environment can be rewired and reorganized by reformative thinking and talking. Wake up every morning, look into the mirror and talk to yourself. Say, “I am chosen, I am special, I am the King’s kid”. Reiterate, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus”.  Replace perturbations by pronouncing the promises of God.

3.         Transform: Negative thinking restrains self-confidence and restricts risk taking but positive thinking built on the rudimentary foundations of the Word of God will transform our thinking and restructure our lifestyle. The prodigal had a transformation of his mind before there was reformation in his morality.    

Undo ungodly thoughts and transform by the renewing of the mind.

Luke 17:18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, Show me if there are any crooked and canny thinking patterns in me and help me to renew my thinking and reform my life. Amen. 

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