24 April 2024 – The Three Ms – Part 3

Proverbs 23:7a For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.

“It is not the size of a man but the size of his heart that matters” –Evander Holyfield.

The size of a man’s world is the size of his heart. Our physical heart is about the size of a clenched fist and the size of the adult human brain is about two clenched fists. However, the size of the mind, which is the seat of our emotions, imaginations and intellect, is the reservoir of our feelings, thoughts, urges, desires and memories. Imagination is the creative functionality of the mind. Positive, innovative and artistic thinking lights up our entire neurological network connecting approximately 86 billion neurons (brain cells). This process is called Neuroplasticity. New brain cells grow with ingenious and optimistic thinking.

On the other hand, negative thought patterns drain the brain’s resources, weakening the ability to reason, think logically and form memories. Furthermore, negativity, hopelessness and helplessness increase the stress hormone in our bodies and damage our immune system. Research has confirmed that a high level of pessimism is the root cause of degenerative brain diseases, cardiovascular problems and digestive issues. Pessimists also take a longer time to recover from sickness and trauma.  

The secret of the victories of King David was the attitude of his heart. With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall (Psalm 18:29). David never saw himself facing the fierce enemy alone. He saw the protection of the armies of the Living God around him hence, the enormity of the enemy did not daunt him. He was able to boldly say that he can advance against an army and leap over a wall with the Lord’s help.

The dimension of our problem is determined by the ‘God Space’ in our heart. Our confessions and conquests rest on the God-Space or God-Room in our heart.

The connection between the 3 Ms – the Mind, Mouth and Morality:

1.         God-Space: What we nurture will grow. As we magnify the Lord, our perils will diminish. It doesn’t mean, it will vanish but it will no longer drain our joy and peace. The bigger God becomes in our mind and meditation, the smaller will be the crisis and the challenge.

2.         God-Speech: What captivates our thoughts is what we will speak and confess. If Jesus is bigger than the jerk we have to face at our workplace, we will leap over the brick wall and the alarming challenge triumphantly.    

3.         God-Success: What we foster in our mind and confess with our mouth will lead us to success or failure. We must see and speak success before we enjoy victory.      

God-space and God-speech will help us to win over an army and leap over a wall.

Proverbs 20:5 The intentions of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out.

Prayer: My Dearest Saviour, I will meditate on your power and not my problem; and I will see, speak and succeed. Amen. 

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