28 April 2024 – The Three Ms – Part 7

Matthew 15:18-19 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.

In very simple palatable words Jesus explained the science behind mind-body connection. He said, our mouth will confess what our mind constantly meditates on. Pessimistic, accusing or abusive words come out of our mouth when we are sad, depressed or angry. We also say or commit to things when we are excited or overjoyed. Even though they are impetuous words or impulsive reactions they were hiding in the crevices of our heart even without our knowledge.

Let us examine “slander”. If we talk about someone recklessly in a conversation and later regret it, it is important to do a heart examination. It is like running a virus scanner on our laptop to identify the root cause of the corrupt hard drive.

A betrayal, insult, abuse or even a bad comment that irks like a chronic annoying soreness in the soul can come out as a foul slanderous comment. A pain that is buried deep down in our heart can become like a termite that chews on our nerves causing mood swings and coarse comments. An unattended reaction will eventually affect our actions and morals.

The Word of God hidden in our heart is the “virus scanning software”. The Holy Spirit will activate the software and send us virus alerts. The blood of Jesus is the anti-virus tool that will get rid of the virus of anger, envy, pride, insecurity, low self-esteem or lust that tries to pollute our thoughts, tongue and tasks.   

Install and activate anti-virus software to keep Mind, Mouth & Morality clean:

1.         Mind: Do a regular check on your mind and heart. Moodiness is only a reaction of the termite that is eating on our moral, ethical and Biblical values. Meditate on the Word of God and drive out moodiness. Our mind should be the workshop of the Holy Spirit and not the workshop of the devil.

2.         Mouth: Once we conquer our tongue we have defeated the demonic plans. The devil has no authority over our lives unless we give him room by negative confessions. Take a gulp of water, bite into a banana or move away from the argument that is instigating a negative reaction or pessimistic confession. Defeat the devil by giving God the control of your thoughts and tongue.

3.         Morality: Morality is only the response of your mind and mouth. Probity, integrity and honesty are the outward exhibition of the inward beauty. It is not the cosmetics that we use that make us pretty or smart; our inner beauty will gleam through our words and actions.   

The words and actions display the treasures or the trash hidden in our heart.

Matthew 23:25 “You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.”

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to constantly update my anti-virus software by memorizing the Bible verses to clean anything that defiles my heart and mind. Amen. 

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