10 May 2024 – Divine Disappointments – Part 5

1 Chronicles 17:4 “Go and tell my servant David, ‘This is what the Lord says: You are not the one to build me a house to dwell in.”

“Disappointments are part of life; we can’t always have our own way. A hundred years from now it won’t make any difference!” – Billy Graham.

Only heaven will be free from disappointments and letdowns. We must discern the difference between God’s hand stopping us and the devil stumbling us. Not every thought that drops into our heart is an inspiration from God. It could be good, noble and praiseworthy, yet it might not be God’s plan for us. Wisdom discerns between goodly passion and godly perception.  The essence of the above quote from Billy Graham, (the modern day Apostle Paul), is, ‘Don’t let the disappointment steal your joy, a century from now, the disappointing loss will not make any difference’ (paraphrased). So don’t lose your peace over a closed door. Success is not achieving everything our heart desires but finding our purpose and fulfilling God’s plan. Likewise, helping others to find their purpose is ‘significance’.

David left a legendary indelible footprint not only as a warrior and a worshipper but also as a subservient worker for the Lord. After subduing all his enemies, he wanted to build a palatial temple for the Lord but the Lord said ‘NO’. ‘You have shed much blood and have fought many wars. You are not to build a house for my Name’ (2 Chronicles 22:8). Instead, he had to accumulate the money, manpower and handover the master plan to his son Solomon. David was a man of war and there was blood on his hands. As David lived before the cross, his sins were atoned for by animal sacrifice but he was yet to be finally redeemed by the blood of Jesus. 

David did not brood over the disappointment. He did not whinge, whine or whimper about the change of plan. He understood that the true meaning of ‘success’ and ‘significance’ is not to make a name for himself but to accomplish God’s purpose on earth.

Disappointment is the pathway to Success and Significance:

1.         Accept: Accept God’s plan and fulfilling it to the best of our ability is success. Be purpose driven not power driven. Success is not looking grand and glamorous in the eyes of the world but it is meticulously executing the plan of God.     

2.         Accumulate: David scrupulously followed the instruction to assist his son to build the temple. He accumulated over $20 billion dollars worth of gold, silver, bronze, iron, precious stones and expensive wood and recruited skilled artisans for the project. The temple is called ‘Solomon’s Temple’ yet was fully funded by King David.     

3.         Accredited: Encouraging and assisting others to find and fulfill their purpose is significance. As for the gold, the silver, the bronze, and the iron, there is no limit. So arise and begin working, and may the LORD be with you” (2 Chronicles 22:16).

Disappointment is the pathway to success and significance.

Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, let me see your light in the deep darkness of disappointment. Amen 

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