14 May 2024 – The Heart – Part 2

Psalm 27:14 Wait for the LORD, take courage; be stouthearted, wait for the LORD!

A stout heart is spiritually healthy and happy. On the contrary, a timid heart is a spiritually unhealthy heart and stigmatized. Our spiritual heart health will determine the strength and the growth of our inner man.

Heart Foundations publications warn that high levels of anxiety and stress increases the risk of cardiovascular disease such as heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and heart arrest. Similarly, living in constant fear and anxiety will weaken our spiritual heart but a stout and courageous heart will nourish and strengthen our faith walk.

The mind (intellect/emotions) is ‘power-hungry’ and loves to be in-charge. Hence, even before we realize our mind is organizing ‘things to do’ for the day. The mind is busy analyzing the risks, reasoning and deriving logical solutions; it is making judgments, choices and decisions. Over thinking and over analysis are the main causes of stress, anxiety and dread. However, the heart is the house of the Holy Spirit. The heart is where truth is deposited and our core beliefs and values reside. Most times, the mind and heart contradict each other. Hence it is important to decipher the thoughts of our mind with the thoughts of our heart. Those who only know to think with their mind and are dragged by their emotions and intellect become timid and fearful. Living in constant stress and pressure will make our heart unhealthy and diseased.

Our mind must be submitted to the direction from our heart. We hear the guidance of the Holy Spirit through the impressions in our heart and should not be incited by the thoughts from our head. Such a person will be stouthearted and strong.      

Stout Heart vs Timid Heart:

1.         Eat: Diet plays an important factor in coronary heart disease. A low-saturated fat, high-fiber and high plant food diet reduces the risk of developing heart disease. Eating junk fried and processed food build-up plaque in the arteries resulting in dramatic heart conditions. Likewise, feeding on forecasts, fearful thoughts and forebodings will make our heart timid and traumatized. Instead, feed on God’s Word and promises that are contrary to the predictions. Feeding on the healthy diet of God’s Word improves our heart health.

2.            Exercise: Exercise can make your heart muscles stronger and lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. Similarly, spiritual heart exercise such as walking in faith and running the race of truth and veracity will make our heart stout.

3.         Entertain: The Heart Foundation recommends motivational podcasts, relaxing music or comedy shows can promote heart health. However, entertainment that corrupts morality such as violence, pornography or ideas that conflict with the Word of God will clog our spiritual arteries with clutter.

A stout heart feeds on God’s Word, exercises faith and enjoys His presence.

Psalm 138:1 When I called, you answered me; you made me bold and stouthearted.

Prayer: God of Heaven and Earth, help my spiritual heart to be stout and strong in you. May I be led by faith and not by fear. Amen 

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