16 May 2024 – The Heart – Part 4

Ezekiel 36:25 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

Heart transplant is a surgical procedure where a surgeon removes the diseased heart and sews the donor heart in place. This is a major surgery and is reserved for people with a failing heart that has not improved with medications or other minor surgeries. Weakening of the heart muscles, coronary heart disease, heart valve disease, congenital heart defects, and abnormal heart rhythms can cause heart failure and hence heart transplant would be the recommended treatment. The success rate is 80% to 90%.

Our God is the greatest cardiologist this world has ever known. When we are born into the family of faith, the great physician performs a heart transplant surgery on us. He removes the diseased heart infected with sin and replaces us with a brand new heart. The success rate of the Divine Heart Clinic is 100%. The Lord removes the heart of stone that is hardened by disappointments, resentment, adamancy, animosity, rage and betrayal and gives us a pliable, teachable, softened heart of flesh. The desires of the old wayward living will be completely replaced by the heart transplant. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come (2 Corinthians 5:17).

If we struggle with the old sinful desires, habits and unhealthy needs we must go under the divine surgical procedure. Our new transformed spirit cannot function with the old corrupt carnal desires. Holding on to detrimental cravings will cause the spiritual heart to malfunction. The new transformed heart is soft and teachable. It thirsts for truthfulness and treasures purity, righteousness and holiness.  

Heart of Stone vs Heart of Flesh:

1.         Teachable: Our hearts must be put through the ‘test of teachability’. A person who thinks they know-it-all has closed their hearts to correction, rebuke or insight. There is no age to learn, change, amend and correct. We start aging only when we stop learning. A heart of flesh is teachable and trainable. 

2.            Truthful:A heart of stone resists the truth but a heart of flesh is docile to the truth. A heart of flesh is pliable and teachable. Like a growing child a softened heart is curious to learn and unlearn; it is malleable and will diligently seek the truth.     

3.         Treasure: A heart of stone hordes haughtiness and hostility but a softened heart treasures lovable, adorable and cherishable memories. If we revisit the past mistakes of others every time we are upset, angry or frustrated, then we need a heart transplant to remove the trash buried deep in the heart.   

Even if there is a trance of hardness in our heart, we need a spiritual heart transplant by the divine cardiologist. Christ has paid in full for the heart transplant surgery!

Ezekiel 11:19 “I will give them an undivided heart…in them”.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, take away the hardness in my heart and the heart of stone and give me a softened heart that is teachable, truthful and subservient. Amen

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