07 June 2024 – Power Punch – Part 5

Daniel 3:17-18 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

Our walk, our talk and our lifestyle are nuclear weapons, atomic bombs and power punches on the face of the devil and the demons. The devil trembles when a child of God wakes up in the morning praising the Lord. A disciplined prayer life terrorizes the demons. We are like dynamites and one move of the demons will trigger a series of blasts in hell. The vicious demonic enemies are afraid of a humble praying servant of God.

The lifestyle of the Hebrew captives infuriated the astrologers and sorcerers of Babylon. So they raised a complaint about them and enraged the king, provoking him to burn them alive. Similarly, there will be people around us who will hate us for no reason. No matter how hard we try to show them love they will reject our kindness. It is not them, but the evil spirits of envy, hatred and violence that will make them harass us. The bold confession of the three men changed the attitude of the king towards them. Then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and his attitude toward them changed (vs 19). People might not like us for our faith and their attitude towards us would change once they know that we are the King’s kids. Again, it is not them but the demons of cultism, idolatry and revelry that is instigating them to be aggressive and rude.

The men were thrown into the furnace but they walked in the flames and walked out of the fire unscathed, unharmed and untouched by the treachery of the demonic gangsters.

A praying child of God who loves the Lord is a threat to hell. The inhabitants of hell hate us and our lifestyle blasts nuclear bombs in hell.  

Become a threat to hell:

1.         Blow-up: Our praise and worship are treacherous nuclear attacks in hell. This is why we struggle to get out of bed and stick to our regular time of prayer. The demonic plans that the demons have planned against us, our family, finance and fortune automatically defuse as soon as we start worshipping the Lord in the morning.         

2.         Barrage: ‘Praying for the lost’ might feel like a long battle. There will be times we will see no changes but every time we pray for those in addiction, bondages and infidelity we are barraging right into the enemy’s territory and pulling them out of his clutches.

3.         Bombshell: Trigger bombshells in hell by proclaiming the name of Jesus. Singing praises in the name of Jesus is like dropping bombshells with a drone in hell.

The threats or the attitude of the demonic attacks will not harm us. Trigger atomic bombs in hell with your praise.

Daniel 3:25 “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.”

Prayer: Father God, may my lifestyle blow-up demonic plots, my prayer life barrage into hellish territories and my proclamations burst bombshells in hell. Amen.

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