17 June 2024 – Blood Bathed – Part 1

Exodus 12:22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you shall go out of the door of your house until morning.

The blood of Jesus is a powerful weapon for a child of God. The power of the blood of Jesus is not esteemed enough as we don’t realize its prominence in the spiritual realm. A blood bathed believer is spiritually potent, emotionally strong and physically protected.

In the natural, old blood stains become permanent and impossible to remove. Similarly, the longer we remain under the precious blood of Jesus, the stronger will be the mark over us and our bloodline. His blood will make an indelible mark over us and separate us as ‘God’s inheritance. The concept of being ‘marked with the blood’ began on the very first Passover in Egypt before the exodus. The Israelites were instructed to mark their homes on the top and the sides with the blood of the sacrificial lamb. The entrance to the homes of the Hebrews was like a red ribbon picture frame.

Spiritually, this is the frame through which the demonic realm views a blood bathed believer.  They see us through the picture frame slathered with the blood of Jesus. The blood not only gives us new life and new beginnings, the blood of Jesus defeats demonic invasion and fumbles them back to hell. Hence, use the blood to mark everything that belongs to you. Applying the blood is our spiritual security system that marks, medicates and mediates for us.

Blood Bathed Believer:

1.         Marks: The blood marks a separation from the world. When the devil looks at us through the blood marked red frame, his eyes are blinded with the brightness of God’s presence. The mark over our head and hands is the protective filament within which we live.  The blood protects. 

2.         Medicates: The blood of Jesus is infused into our blood hence our blood contaminated by sin and sickness is purified through the blood of Jesus. His blood is the antidote to any physical sickness. The blood heals.       

3.         Mediates: The blood mediates for us when the devil accuses us. Most times his accusations are not false about our envious reactions, insecure emotional outbursts or white lies yet, we stand in the blood booth that is marked by the blood of Jesus. They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony (Revelation 12:11a). The blood of Jesus mediates for us hence none of the allegations of the devil against us stand valid in the court of heaven. The blood mediates.   

The spiritual application of the blood of Jesus on the top and the sides of your doorframe is not a ritualistic or methodical act but a pertinent action of protection over our blessings.   

1 Peter 1:18-19 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for your precious blood that is put as a mark over me and everything that belongs to me. Amen.

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