18 June 2024 – Blood Bathed – Part 2

Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

Haemoglobin molecules inside the red blood cells carry oxygen to the different parts of the body through the circulatory system.  Without blood the organs of the body cannot receive the nutrients that they need to survive, keep warm, fight infections or get rid of the waste. Without blood we will weaken and die. So, the blood is the life-sustaining fluid that is incredibly essential for the body.

There is a condition called “frostbites” that is caused due to poor circulation of blood into the fingertips and feet. The blood vessels or the pathways can close, harden and narrow, making it difficult for blood to flow steadily. Frostbites are a very painful condition which can damage the frozen tissues and can cause permanent damage which could lead to amputation of the body part.

Allegorically, sin, transgressions and iniquities stops the flow of the blood of Jesus from nourishing our soul. Our soul will weaken and die without the life-giving blood of Jesus Christ. Unlike the medical prognosis, where frostbite damages cannot be reversed, the blood of Jesus has the power to give life to the dead areas of our soul. The blood of Jesus will open our spiritual vision that was blinded by sin, our spiritual ears that were deafened by transgressions and our spiritual tongue that was muted by iniquities. The blood of Jesus heals the frostbite of the soul.   

Heal the frostbites in your soul:

1.         Rejuvenates: Frostbites damage the tissues due to lack of blood flow. Likewise, spiritually if sin is ignored, it will cause extensive damage to the character, tamper the personality and darken the soul. The sinful past cannot be reversed but the recurring damages of ‘consequential curses’, due to the past erroneous choices, can be annulled by the blood of Jesus. Overlooking sin, damages the soul, but repentance allows the life-giving blood of Jesus to rejuvenate the soul.         

2.         Relieves: Frostbites are extremely painful and so is a sinful lifestyle. In the end it bites like a snake and poisons like a viper (Proverbs 23:32). Warming the hands and feet opens up the blood vessels for the blood to flow and relieves pain. Similarly, the healing blood of Jesus is the antidote to the frostbites of guilt, shame and condemnation. The blood of Jesus relieves the sting in the soul.  

3.         Restores: Frostbites restrict the functioning of the affected body parts. Likewise, iniquity can debilitate our destiny but the rejuvenating blood of Jesus will restore the full functioning of the soul.    

There are no incapacitating spiritual conditions or consequential curses that the blood of Jesus cannot heal. As blood gives life to the body, the blood of Jesus revitalizes the soul.

Ezekiel 47:9b The stream will make the water of the Dead Sea fresh, and wherever it flows, it will bring life.

Prayer: Loving Lord, help me to heal from painful frostbites of any unsurrendered areas of my life with your precious life-giving blood. Amen

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