08 July 2024 – The Race – Part 1

Jonah 1:3 But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.

Treadmills have become like the whiteware essentials in a home. A recent statistics says that about 60 million homes own treadmills and the number is growing! For 20 consistent workouts you could lose about 2 pounds or 0.9 kg. Those who don’t like to exercise in the gym or do not find the time to go to a gym set up a gymnasium in their homes. We would be exhausted after walking at 4-5mph for half an hour straight on a treadmill but we will still be where we started! A treadmill is a succinct spiritual analogy of being stuck yet being very busy.

“If the Devil can’t make you bad, he will make you busy.”

Many times we feel stuck yet overworked, exhausted and weary. When we feel stuck, stormed and smacked it is important to see if we are running in alignment with God’s plan. ‘Weariness’ is a clear sign that there is a misalignment. Serving God can be physically tiring but will not be spiritually exhausting. Likewise, our career, family chores or ministry commitments can be challenging and demanding but when it is overwhelming there are some misalignments with the plan and purpose of God.  

Jonah fled from God’s plan. He thought he was running away in the opposite direction but his run was only on a treadmill. He could only go so far until the Lord sent a storm and drowned him in the sea to be swallowed by a whale and be spewed back to his destination. Rather than taking the cruise to Nineveh, Jonah took a very dangerous deep ocean dive and travelled uncomfortably in the belly of a fish. Running with the Lord is a marathon, not a run on a treadmill.

Don’t be stuck on a treadmill:

1.         Found: When we are in alignment to God’s plan, our purpose will find us. We don’t have to go after opportunities; prospects will find us. Jonah found a ship bound for that port of his choice. We can be busy with many noble tasks which are not necessarily God’s plan for us. Find God’s plan and align with God’s purpose.

2.         Fare: Misalignment always comes with a cost. Jonah paid a fare to flee from God’s plan; however his ride back to his destiny was free!        

3.         Fled: We will waste time, energy and resources when we flee from God’s plan and purpose. “If you make a mistake, don’t run away from God — run to him.” Journey with God might not always be pleasurable but it will be purposeful.

Our race is a marathon not a treadmill workout. Run with God to fulfill your purpose on earth and run to God when you mess up but don’t run from God.   

Jonah 1:10 This terrified them and they asked, “What have you done?” (They knew he was running away from the Lord, because he had already told them so.)

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to be obedient to your plan and not push my agenda, my desires and my passion. Amen.

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