21 July 2024 – Insecurities – Part 7

2 Timothy 4:16-17 At my first defense, no one came to my support, but everyone deserted me. May it not be held against them. But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it.

Past traumatic experiences, childhood abuse, ill-treatment, betrayal, social and cultural dysfunction can damage the soul, steal self-confidence, and destroy self-esteem. A wounded past can make a person insecure however festering insecurity can make a person pungent, artificial and hideous. How we respond to rejection, dejection and intimidation forms our characters and shapes our personality.     

There will be storms of mistreatment that would devastate our life. We will come across people who will abuse our goodness and misuse our kindness. “Bullies are insecure people. They tease you because you have something that they don’t.” Our response to the maltreatment should always be twofold – forgive and refocus. A purpose driven person will never be derailed by the insecurities of others. A lion doesn’t lose sleep over a sheep’s opinion.

The second Epistle of Timothy is the last letter of Apostle Paul and in this letter he lists the bitter betrayers who back-stabbed him. He warns Timothy about Alexander the metal worker who harmed him. Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. The Lord will repay him for what he has done (vs 14). Bible Scholars believe that Alexander, the coppersmith mentioned in (Acts 19:25-27) is the same Alexander mentioned in (2 Timothy 4:14). After the riot caused by idolatrous merchants in Ephesus, Alexander became a turncoat and betrayed Paul. Yet, Paul continued running his race victoriously as his focus was to accomplish his God-given purpose. The rejection of the list of people mentioned in this chapter did not wreck Paul’s confidence as his trust was only in the Lord. 

Dealing of Insecurities:

1.         Contagious: Insecurity is contagious. Insecure people are negative and critical. If you are unable to influence an insecure person but you are rather being infested by their lack of confidence, stay away from them. Don’t let insecurity contaminate your character.  

2.         Courageous: Both arrogance and artificiality camouflage insecurity. Insecure people hide their cowardice under a shroud of haughtiness or hypocrisy. Insecurity will force people to do or say things that they do not mean. Those who live purposefully will face rejection. Being accepted and acknowledged by Christ is the only validation we need. Defeat insecurity courageously by accepting the rejection.

3.         Confidence: Trusting that God’s got the ultimate verdict in any situation builds our confidence and defeats insecurity. Don’t let the insecurity of others shake your confidence. Don’t lose sleep over nasty comments of betrayers. What they hate in you is missing in them, keep shining confidently.

Don’t let the trauma of the past make you insecure. Live a purpose driven life to please God not man.   

Jeremiah 17:7-8 “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to identify if there are traces of insecurity in me and teach me to build my confidence and security in you and you alone. Amen.

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