29 July 2024 – The Well – Part 1

Genesis 26:19 Isaac’s servants dug in the valley and discovered a well of fresh water there.

Wells were the primary water source in ancient times to supply water for the household as well as their cultivation. The common wells of the town were also the place of social gathering where men and women congregated at certain times to draw water and to chit chat. In the Middle East, the travelers stopped by the wells to refresh themselves and their camels (Genesis 24:11). Hence wells became important landmarks and each well had a name. To find the water source and build wells was a symbol of blessing. Anyone who owned a well was considered rich. It also gave them the right to live, cultivate and enjoy that land.

During the famine, Isaac moved into the land of Philistines in Gerar where his father once lived. Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died, and he gave them the same names his father had given them (Genesis 26:18). His family and herd drank from the wells of his father however; soon he had to find his own water source. But every time they dug a new well, the Philistines quarreled with Isaac’s herdsmen. Isaac did not fight with the Philistine but kept digging until God took him to a place of rest. He named it Rehoboth, saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land” (vs 22).

The Old Testament teaches the allegorical truth while the New Testament shows us the absolutes. Jesus is our Living Water. In this well we will find our worth, wellness and wealth.  This well named “Jesus” is our Living Spring that refreshes and revitalizes us. There is new life, new beginnings and nourishment in this well. Jesus is our waterspout, waterbed and our well of Living Waters.

Is the name of your well Jesus?

1.         Worth: Jesus is the only well where we will find our worth. Many find their worth in career achievements or academic excellence. However, the worth that our profession, proficiency or PhDs give are only temporary. Our real worth and value can be drawn only from Jesus. Jesus said, Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink (John 7:37). Low self-esteem is a result of not drinking enough from the Living Water, the Word of God.   

2.         Wellness: Jesus is the only well where healing is found. Doctors can only give us treatment but healing comes from the Living Water, His Word, the Bible. For they are life to those who find them, and healing to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:22). God’s Word is a chewable sweet tablet that need not be swallowed and shoveled down the throat.

3.         Wealth: Jesus is the only source of our wealth. He is the source of our material, financial and spiritual wealth.

Dig deeper and find the source of Living Water. Drink from the well named Jesus every day.

Genesis 26:28 “We saw clearly that the Lord was with you.”

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus I’m thirsty for more of you. Help me to dig deeper and drink from the Living Well and the Living Waters. Amen.

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