01 August 2024 – The Well – Part 4

Genesis 21:19 And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of springing water; and she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the child drink. 

Natural events that are caused without human intervention and that could not be prevented by reasonable foresight or precautionary measures are classified as “Acts of God”. Storms, earthquakes, fires started by lightning, tornadoes, floods or tsunamis that are beyond human control are “Acts of God”. Even the atheists who do not believe in the existence of God are subject to the Acts of God. It takes more faith to believe that ‘there is no God’ than to believe in the existence of God!  

I can see how it might be possible for a man to look down upon the earth and be an atheist, but I cannot conceive how a man could look up into the heavens and say there is no God – Abraham Lincoln.

Hagar, the slave girl of Abraham, was an Egyptian. Egyptians worshipped a pantheon of deities however slaves would normally follow the religious practices of their master.  But we do not see Hagar crying out to the God of Abraham nor did she turn to her pagan gods. She thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she began to sob (vs 16). The Lord God opened her eyes to a freshwater well that was bubbling not far away from her. It was not an answer to her prayer but the cry of the boy, God heard the boy crying (vs 17a), as he was a seed of Abraham. To revitalize the life of the dehydrated boy, the Lord God made fresh water well up in the desert.

We can witness and testify the power and magnificence of the Lord all around us but unless the Lord opens our eyes we will not see the rejuvenating springs of Living Waters. The lost world is not able to see and taste the Lord as their eyes are blinded and their hearts are broken.

Taste the well of Living Waters:

1.         Blinded: Sunrise and sunset, the dew drops on the grass, the fresh morning showers and the cool breeze on a summer afternoon manifest the magnificence of the Lord but those whose spiritual eyes are blinded are unable to see it.   

2.         Blurred: The unbroken water cycle of liquid evaporating into water vapour then condensing to form clouds and shower down as rain or snow is a beautiful metaphor of God’s unbroken and unending love for humanity. Those who are heartbroken have a smudge view of God’s love as their eyes are blurred.      

3.         Blocked: The views of the world and the noise of the demonic block the ears with doubt, qualms and apprehensions. The cares of the world block our spiritual vision.

We can see and experience the Lord intimately only when He opens our eyes to see and taste the Living Waters.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims the work of his hands.

Prayer: Father God, I want to experience and enjoy you more and more. Help me to clear the scales and wax in my spiritual eyes to see and ears hear you clearly. Amen.

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