04 August 2024 – The Well – Part 7

John 4:14 But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

‘Welling Up’ means to come up and appear on the surface or come out from somewhere. The barometric pressure (air pressure in the atmosphere) causes changes in water levels in a well. Increased air pressure will cause the water-level in the well to fall, and a decrease in air pressure will cause water level in the well to rise. This is a beautiful and vivid analogy of the spiritual well, ‘our heart’.

Jesus said, ‘whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water’ (John 7:38). As we trust in Him, our hope, peace, joy and divine confidence will swell-up. God’s love will drown our cares, fears and tears. Stress is the barometric pressure of the soul. Stress has an inverse effect to the serenity of the soul just as the barometric pressure has on suppressing the water levels. The stillness and serenity of the soul will swell-up living water for the thirsty to drink but stress will suppress it.

Faith in Jesus Christ will overflow as living waters from our heart. Out of our heart rivers of living waters will surge and break addictions, anxiety and apprehensions. So where the river flows everything will live (Ezekiel 47:9b). The living water that flows from those who drink from Jesus, the Living Word, turns salty water sweet. When it empties into the sea, the salty water there becomes fresh (Ezekiel 47:8b). The stream that is replenishing our well must be Jesus, the Living Water. Christ followers can be categorized under three types of well – ‘Just Enough Wells’‘More than Enough Wells’ and ‘Overflowing Wells’.

Three categories of Wells:

1.         Meet: Meeting with Jesus every day draws water from the streams of Living Waters. The short ‘prayer meets’ in the prayer closet is just enough to get us through the challenges of the day. Our spiritual wells will be just enough to satisfy us and the needs of our family.

2.         Meditate: Meditating in the Word of God and walking with Jesus every moment would fill our wells with more than enough. Drinking from the well does not stop in the prayer closet but continues through the day for these Christians. The wells of those who meditate, live, walk and talk the Word of God are filled with Living Water for those with dry wells to come to dip and draw spiritual water.

3.         Mediate: The wells of those who mediate/intercede for others are overflowing with the Living Waters. Wherever their water flows there is life. The words and deeds of those with overflowing wells will touch strangers, neighbours and even travelers who cross paths.

May our hearts be wells that overflow with the life-giving Living Waters.

Ezekiel 47:9a Swarms of living creatures will live wherever the river flows. There will be large numbers of fish, because this water flows there and makes the salt water fresh.

Prayer: Jesus my Living Water, I will drink from you to overflow with your love and hope to those who are depressed and despondent. Amen.

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