06 August 2024 – Fruits in the Furnace – Part 2

Romans 5:3-4 We also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.

The crisis produces character. The fiery furnace of affliction refines our affections and the fire of suffering prepares us for success and significance. Persecution produces perseverance and patience. Patience is not developed by waiting. We cannot control everything that happens to us in life; we have to wait anyway. But it is our attitude while we wait that develops the fruit of patience. Problems are the greenhouse where patience, perseverance and purity are cultured. Perils polish patience, perseverance and purity.

However, problems and persecution can make us bitter and not better if we don’t allow the fire in the furnace to reform us. We must remain inside the greenhouse of God’s Word and God’s voice when the biting winter wind dashes against us. Figs, tomatoes, strawberries, citrus fruits, grapes, melons are some fruits that grow well in a greenhouse in winter as the temperature inside a greenhouse remains warm and conducive for tropical fruits and vegetables to grow. Running into the greenhouse of God’s protection will make our fruits succulent and sweet.

Joseph’s character was developed by the fierce treachery of his brothers. The betrayal did not make him bitter but turned him into a benevolent and bright leader. He did not mull over the betrayal but ruminated on his God-given dreams about his future. Until the time came to fulfill his dreams, the LORD tested Joseph’s character (Psalm 105:19). While the teenager was dealing with the separation from his father who adored him, he had to learn the language, adjust to the culture of Egypt and also serve his new master. The period of persecution polished Joseph’s character.   

Faith that is on fire cannot be consumed by the fire in the furnace.

Fruits in the Furnace:

1.         Perseverance: Perseverance preserves our dreams and takes us to our destiny. Joseph did not allow disappointment to destroy his dream. Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he dreamed about them (Genesis 42:9a). Joseph saw his brothers after two decades and the first thing he remembered was not their betrayal but his dreams. Perseverance kills the virus of anger, animosity and antagonism, and focuses on our purpose.        

2.         Patience: Patience is polished in persecution. Joseph did not complain that his teenage and young adulthood was sabotaged by his brothers but continued to allow the adversity to shape and mould his character. Closed doors, heart breaking breakups and frustrating disappointments fashion us into compassionate champions.       

3.         Purity: The furnace builds resoluteness to live a holy life. In spite of prejudice Joseph pursued purity. Joseph fled from perversity but was unjustly thrown into prison. Pursuing purity does not always result in praise in the immediate future but will ultimately accelerate us toward promotion. Purity is more precious than popularity or people.

The furnace of suffering matures the fruits of perseverance, patience and purity.

Psalm 119:17 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, when I find myself in the furnace of affliction; mold my character, teach me tenacity and mature my character. Ripen the fruit of patience, perseverance and purity in the furnace. Amen.

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