15 August 2024 – Resolute Resilience – Part 4

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

The valley of the shadow of death referred in Psalm 23 is normally purported to be between Jerusalem and Jericho. This could be the place referred to in the parable of the Good Samaritan. It could be a valley where David had to traverse while he shepherded his father’s flock or it could be The Kidron Valley where King David crossed to flee from his son Absalom who tried to kill him and overtake the kingdom (2 Samuel 15:23). However, this dark valley was infested by venomous snakes and scorpions and gangs of bandits and looters.  There was no footpath and they had to clear the thorns and thistles as they made their way through the dark deadly valley.

Trust is developed in the dangerous dark valley, not on mountain tops with brilliant sunshine. We would have to navigate from one mount to the next mountain peak through a valley. Before the elevation comes a dip. If we refuse to walk through the valley we will never reach the mountain top.

The valley of shadow of death is a typographical imagery of the dangers, threats, uncertainties, disappointments and fiendish attacks that we face in the journey of life. They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord (Psalm 112:7). There will be fearful attacks, bad news and adverse predictions but when Christ Jesus is our Shepherd we will fear no evil. The trauma and the threat in the darkest valley develop tenacity and unshakable trust in the Lord. Resolute resilience and tenacious trust are proficiencies groomed in the valley of the shadow of death.

Resolute Resilience in the darkest valley:

1.         Hear: The Good Shepherd will teach, coach and guide us through the valley. The situation might be grim and dark. When the human eyes cannot see a solution, tune-in to the divine voice in the grimmest gorge. It is in the pitch darkness that our spiritual hearing is sharpened.

2.         Hold: The Shepherd’s rod will clear the thorny bushes and make a way where there is no way and His curvy shepherd’s staff will guide, direct and redirect us. Hold on to His promises and His Word to take every step and you will never step into a ditch, dump or deadly serpent.

3.         Help: The Good Shepherd is our only help in the darkest valley. Uncertain dangers might traumatize us or a disillusioned report might endanger your destiny but the most powerful prayer to pray in the dark valley is “Jesus Help”.    

Resolute resilience is nurtured by the voice of the Shepherd and braced by the hand of the Saviour. As we cry ‘help’ the arms of the Good Shepherd will carry us through the darkest valley into safety.  

Psalm 84:6a When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs.

Prayer: Jesus my Good Shepherd, the dark valley of the shadow of death is intimidating but I will hold on to you tightly and trust you to carry me through. Amen.

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