20 August 2024 – Offerings – Part 2

Leviticus 7:13 With the sacrifice of his peace offerings for thanksgiving he shall bring his offering with loaves of leavened bread.  

 “Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is being still in the presence of God”.

The sacrifices in the Mosaic covenant are typologies of prayer patterns. The purpose of the sacrifices mentioned in the Old Testament was to renew the covenant and relationship of fallen humanity with the Holy God. There were voluntary and mandatory sacrifices under the Law of Moses. The burnt offerings, peace offerings and grain offerings were voluntary but the sin offerings and trespass offerings were mandatory.

A peace offering was a freewill offering to thank God for His boundless and unsought generosity. It was also an offering to fulfill a vow for an answered prayer. Unlike the burnt offering only a portion of the peace offering was burnt on the altar. The rest of the offering was given back to the worshipper to be consumed. The peace offering was an unblemished animal along with loaves of leavened bread which was then given back to the worshipper for their fellowship meal. Peace offering was also offered before Israel went for battle to beseech the power and presence of the Lord in the battle. It was also a celebration in advance for the victory over the battle (1 Samuel 10:8), (2 Kings 3:20) and (Judges 20:26).

Our monologues or ‘one-way-prayers’ do not fulfill the requirement of peace offering.  A peace offering must be followed by a shared meal. The analogy teaches us to offer prayers and petition and then wait for the fellowship meal with the Lord. If we do not wait to hear from the Lord the meal and meat for the day, we have not partaken in the fellowship meal. Similarly, it is important to leave our concerns and confusions at His feet after which we must seek, surrender and be satiated by His word, voice and tangible presence.

Peace/Fellowship Offerings:

1.         Seek: Fellowship offering is to sincerely seek the will of the Omnipotent God over every aspect of our life. Seek me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29:13b).

2.         Surrender: Peace offering is to beseech His power and presence over our everyday battles. When we transfer the control from our hands to His hands, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will rule our hearts and minds. It is a posture of surrender where we leave our fears, apprehensions and challenges to Him and be filled with godly peace. Tranquility replaces turmoil when peace and fellowship offerings are offered to the Lord.

3.         Satiated: Peace offering is complete only with a fellowship meal. Wait to hear from the Lord in your prayer closet and His voice will calm the qualms. Peace offering prayers are nourishing, enriching and satiating peace-meals. 

Peace offerings for a New Testament believer is our personal intimate time of prayer where we seek, surrender and are satiated by God’s presence, power and peace. 

Philippians 4:7 The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Prayer: Jesus my Prince of Peace, speak to me through your Word and your still small voice. Fill me peace that transcends human understanding as I surrender my anxieties to you. Amen.

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