26 August 2024 – Metabolism – Part 1

James 1:23-24 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.

Metabolism in layman’s language is the chemical reaction in the body that changes food into energy. Our bodies need energy to do everything including thinking, talking, walking and moving. Specific proteins control metabolism in our body. The food we eat is broken down by our digestive system. Proteins breakdown into amino acids and fats and convert them into fatty acids. Carbohydrates convert into sugar or glucose. Children and teenagers are building muscles and are normally active hence, their metabolism is very fast but as we age, our metabolism slows down and we lose muscle as we are less active.

The scientific process of metabolism is a good analogy of the psychological process of spiritual metabolism. Spiritual metabolism is the capacity to absorb and apply the spiritual truth from the Word of God. The young and growing Christian is attentive to the voice of the Holy Spirit. They absorb teachings like a sponge and apply the truth in their daily lives. But those who are puffed and polluted with spiritual pride are less attentive, set in their ways, unteachable and unapproachable. Those who are insensitive to the word of God are like those who look into the mirror and see their hair messed up and the dirt on their face but neither comb or groom themselves.  

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3). He simply meant that spiritual growth must not make us callous to correction but we must remain like children ready to listen, learn and change. As the metabolic rate is high in growing children building muscles, developing the brain, other organs and immune system, our spiritual metabolic rate must always remain high and fast paced.

Healthy Spiritual Metabolism:

1.         Attention: Spiritual attentiveness and alertness is a measure of spiritual metabolism. If we are disinterested to read the word of God or are too critical, distracted or inattentive in spiritual discussion we must check our spiritual metabolic rate. “You can learn from anyone, even your enemy.” An attentive attention span is a vital sign of healthy spiritual metabolism.     

2.         Absorption: If we are too quick to cut into a conversation to share our thoughts/views, our absorption capacity has slowed down. Good listeners have the thirst to learn and absorb from others. Be quick to listen and slow to speak.        

3.         Application: If we are only hearer of the truth from the word but never put the advice or counsel into practice, our spiritual metabolism is slow. Slow metabolic rate will degenerate our spiritual man and will eventually paralyze or kill spiritual growth. Spiritual food must convert into spiritual energy and information must convert into application.  

Be like little children with fast spiritual metabolism. 

Proverbs 2:1 My child, listen to what I say, and treasure my commands.

Prayer: Father God, as I grow spiritually and age naturally, help me to remain humble with a very high spiritual metabolic rate to listen, learn and live a righteous life. Amen.

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