03 September 2024 – Spiritual Steroids – Part 2

2 Samuel 6:7 The Lord’s anger burned against Uzzah because of his irreverent act; therefore God struck him down, and he died there beside the ark of God.

Experiential knowledge of the Lord which is not supported by theological truth is dangerous and can be disastrous. “Non-Technical Skills”, that is, experience without a technical qualification is not valuable in the professional industry. A skilled chef who can make the best of pastries can cater to their family and friends but cannot be employed as a pastry chef without the authentication of a degree. Technical qualification gives license to the skill set to practice, problem solve and perform in the marketplace.

The same analogy applies to theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the spiritual realm. An experience cannot become a doctrine without theological foundation. The incident in 2 Samuel 6 is a discombobulating passage to many as they think that Uzzah did the right thing by protecting the Ark from falling from the cart as the oxen stumbled; but the Lord reprimanded him severely. The action was not wrong but the doctrine was inaccurate. The Levites carried the ark of God on their shoulders with the poles, as Moses had commanded according to the word of the LORD (1 Chronicles 15:15). David followed the wrong doctrine of the pagan practice and they set the ark of God on a new cart (2 Samuel 6:3a). The cacophony of the pagan culture had crept into Israel. Exactly 70 year ago, the Philistines returned the Ark of the Covenant that they had captured on a new cart (1 Samuel 6:7). The Philistines did not know the commandment of Moses and they did what they thought was best but David allowed the heathen doctrine to indoctrinate his mind and action, as a result he had to bury Uzzah, his minister and mate.

The next three months, David studied the scriptures and got it right the second time. He got consecrated Priests and Levites to carry the Ark on their shoulders. David was on spiritual steroids and danced with all his might before the Ark as it was brought into Jerusalem.   

Experience that is not supported by scripture can result in calamity.

Right Action + Wrong Theology = Catastrophe.

The Balance of information and experience:

1.         Doctrine: The doctrine behind our action or inaction must be from the rudimentary principles of the Word of God.  

2.         Derivative: Don’t do something because your ancestors practiced it or because it fits into your culture. Check the derivative under the light of God’s Word. Many cultural and conventional practices have occultic roots. The sap of the derivative must be from the Bible.      

3.         Direction: The Word of God is a booster doze of spiritual steroids. David rejoiced and danced as he found his direction from the Mosaic covenant. Go to the Word of God to find your direction.    

The Word of God gives us spiritual steroids; it is the base of our doctrine and the substratum of our derivative.

Psalm 36:9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit, teach me, coach me and direct me in the light of your Word. Show me the depth of your Word, the right doctrine, derivatives and directions. Amen.

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