11 September 2024 – Questions – Part 3

Mark 9:28 After Jesus had gone indoors, His disciples asked him privately, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?”

The difference between private questions and personal questions is that private information is something that is not for public access like your financial account numbers, bank balances, passwords etc. Personal information includes our personal details like our phone numbers, medical records, email addresses etc. It is perfectly alright to ask private questions to the Lord. We can ask Him questions about things that we don’t want the world or even their close circle to know. We can have one-on-one private tutoring about our private queries with the Holy Spirit.

A private question could be something that we are hurt or ashamed of. It is not a question of resentment, anger or frustration but it is an issue that is bothering or humiliating us. Even for those who don’t come from a ‘shame culture’, there are private questions that they do not want to announce or expose. 

The disciples of Jesus came from a ‘shame culture’ and they struggled to deal with the defeat of not being able to heal the boy with epilepsy. Jesus rebuked them before the crowd saying, “You unbelieving generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you? How long shall I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.” (vs 19). The disciples did not have an answer to the questions of Jesus but they privately asked Him after the embarrassment, “Why couldn’t we drive it out?” Jesus answered them privately behind closed doors but it has become a public lesson for all of us. However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matthew 17:21).


1.         Private: There is nothing too embarrassing, awkward or private to discuss with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will not ignore questions that are private or personal. ‘Why did you heal my friend and not me?’ When we are hurt or humiliated about any situation the Holy Spirit will coach us to overcome the private and painful situation with clear strategies.

2.         Public: No valuable lesson that the Lord teaches us in a private coaching session remains private. The answer from the Saviour to the private question was publicized by all three synoptic Gospels – Matthew, Mark and Luke for the enlightenment of the world. Don’t keep your valuable private lessons a secret. Share it for the benefit of others.

3.         Precept: The private tutoring of the disciples is the precept to drive out the demonic world that torments, tortures and traumatizes us. The evil spirit saw Jesus who had come down from the mountain after fasting and prayer, (fasting is mentioned implicitly and not explicitly), and left the boy. The spirit shrieked, convulsed him violently and came out (vs 26a).  

A valuable spiritual lesson learnt in private will be publicized for the benefit of others.

There is no ‘shame culture’ in the Kingdom of God.

Mark 9:20 When the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth.

Prayer: Jesus my Saviour, Coach me through the embarrassments, shame and stigma to pick up valuable lessons that will bless others. Amen.

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