13 September 2024 – Questions– Part 5

Luke 1:34 “How will this be,” Mary asked the angel, “since I am a virgin?”

Reasoning and logical questions aid in intuitive and critical thinking. It helps with problem-solving to understand the pros and cons and arrive at a factual, medical or logical conclusion. Reasoning is essential in every area of our life. An Individual’s background, experience, emotions, culture and knowledge play a vital role in reasoning ability. Reasoning brings out various possibilities and probabilities to derive the most accurate solution. However, many times reasoning and logical thinking can draw us away from the truth. Accepting medical prognosis is the greatest enemy to deny the miraculous. A diagnosis will give us the medical conclusion and predictions but what is impossible with medical science is possible with God.

It is impossible for a virgin to conceive and have a child. Medically, logically and factually, the announcement of the angel sounded bizarre. However, faith and facts don’t line up. Faith believes beyond the facts. Facts are at terrestrial level but faith operates at the celestial realm. Faith believes what it cannot see, feel or reason. Faith will make no sense logically. Virgin conceiving and having a child has no rational behind it.

Faith believes what God has spoken but facts would put its trust on man’s verdict. Facts would say it is impossible but faith would say all things are possible with God. The angel drew a ‘faith flowchart’ for Mary and said that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her. He also gave Mary the testimony about her cousin Elizabeth to encourage her. “Even Elizabeth your relative is going to have a child in her old age, and she who was said to be unable to conceive is in her sixth month. For no word from God will ever fail” (vs 36-37). (The pregnancy of Elizabeth was apparently not announced in the family circle; Elizabeth was in seclusion (vs 24)).   

Reasoning, Analytical and Logical Questions:

1.         Medical: It is God who has given the wisdom to doctors, skills to the surgeons and proficiency to the specialists to draw medical diagnoses but God has the final say over the prognosis. 

2.         Logical: Common sense will not match our faith sense. Faith believes beyond logic and reasons. 

3.         Factual: Faith and facts are on opposite sides of the spectrum. Belief and unbelief can co-exist. “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24). We believe that the Bible is true and that God does miracles but there can be doubts and disbelief if He would do it for us. The facts that we see/feel can hinder our faith to believe in the unseen miracle. Faith is the assurance of the miracle beyond what we can feel and see and the assurance of what we hope for.    

Human reasoning is the greatest hindrance to believe in the impossible.

Defeat facts with the flowchart of faith.

“The miracle working power of God defeats medical, logical and factual conclusion.”

Hebrew 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, help me to overcome my unbelief that blocks my faith and helps my faith to overrule facts. Amen.

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