26 September 2024 – The Divine Workshop – Part 4

Genesis 1:11-12  And God said, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.

On the fourth day, the Lord God created ‘lights’ to set the pace of time, seasons, day and night. On the first day He lit-up the universe. God’s Word created ‘light’ on day-1 but He created ‘light fittings’ (sun, moon and stars), on day-4. After renovating the earth to make it habitable, He set the Milky Way in motion on His 4th working day. It was like building a model and turning the switch on to set it in motion. Again the preposition that is reiterated is that, the Lord is the source of light: the solar system, the sun, moon and the stars, are only ‘luminous fixtures’. He created ‘the lights’, glowing lamps, in the vault to bring the earth under the concept of time, seasons, days and years. The cosmic rhythm and the solar system that was set in motion has not slowed down, stopped or missed a beat since the day it was set in motion! God made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. He also made the stars (vs 16).  

Time waits for no one. No one can accelerate the sunrise or decelerate the sunset. The sun and the moon do not adjust to our schedule. We must fit into its schedule, if not we will miss the routine of the day. God gave the sun to reign over the day and the moon to rule the night. The sun that rises every morning, day after day, without fail, is a solemn reminder that the Lord is in control of everything. The cosmos starts and stops only at His Word. The creative activity in the vault of the sky was not completed on God’s 4th working day; new star formation continues even today.

Creation in the divine workshop did not stop with Genesis 1; His creative power still creates, transforms, reforms and performs miracles.

The Divine Workshop:

1.         Start: The Lord God has the solar clock and the cosmic rhythm in His control. The most affluent, influential and opulent cannot alter the symphony of the seasons or times.   

2.         Stop: Seasons are governed by the solar system. We cannot escape winter but at the same time we are not trapped in winter forever. The seasons of life are determined by the Creator.

3.         Slowdown: The sun spins and so does the earth. If the sun slows down, the earth’s rotation would speed up and gradually spin away from the sun. Neither the sun nor the earth has slowed down since the day it was set in motion. 

The Lord who arranged the hot plasma, the sun and stars with His hands, reigns over the space, the solar system and the seasons.

Genesis 1: 17 God set them in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth.

Prayer: Father of Lights, the Lord of the universe, reign over my life.  Amen.

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