Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
The third layer of the Divine Smart-Thinking Pyramid is “right-thinking” or “right-mindset”. Right-minded thinking is to understand and accept the truth, corrections or suggestions in the way it should be received. The opposite of right-mindedness is twisted-thinking. Twisted thinking is to misinterpret the truth and the misuse of genuine correction. For example, taking offense to a corrective suggestion from a friend or misconstruing the truth to suit personal convenience.
John the Baptist was a brave preacher who feared no man or death. He reprimanded Herod as he had taken his brother Philip’s wife. For John had been saying to Herod, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife.” So Herodias nursed a grudge against John and wanted to kill him. But she was not able to (Mark 6:18-19a). Nursing a grudge rather than being convicted is “wrong thinking”. Judgemental, condemning, resentful and revengeful thoughts are wrong thinking.
The Divine Smart-Thinking Pyramid is built on the foundation of truth, which is God’s perspective on any matter. Noble and virtuous thoughts should be layered with right and godly thoughts. Openness to learn, correct and change will discipline our thoughts to be right, correct and authentic.
Hoarding the grudge against John the Baptist turned the Herodias into a blood thirsty beast. The revengeful resentment in the heart of the Herodias finally killed him. “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter” (Mark 5:25b). Not long after the treachery that they did to John the Baptist, Herod was defeated by Aretas IV Philopatris, the Greek King and was banished along with Herodias from the throne.
Correction can come from anyone, even those whom we do not like. Taking offense to what is right will twist the truth and infest our hearts with venom and vengeance. Wrong thinking pushes us into a vicious circle of anger, bitterness and wrong-thinking. Don’t waste time entertaining wrong thoughts. Make corrections and set your thoughts right.
Smart-Thinkers are Right-Minded Thinkers:
1. Untoward: Annoying and unpleasant thoughts make the tongue sharp and acidic. To keep our tongue from speaking guile, we must keep our thoughts from entertaining untoward thoughts.
2. Unwholesome: Judgemental, noxious and harmful thoughts about ourselves or others corrupt our thinking. Stay away from unwholesome thoughts.
3. Ugly: Ugly thoughts are when we believe right is wrong and wrong is right. Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil; who make darkness light, and light darkness; who make bitter sweet, and sweet bitter (Isaiah 5:20). Narrow-mindedness and unwillingness to opinions and suggestions will make us stuck in our thoughts and ways. Test everything under the light of the word of God and be willing to correct and change.
Right thinkers are open to correction and change. Right-minded people will not entertain untoward, unwholesome or ugly thoughts.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 But test them all; hold on to what is good.
Prayer: Father God, correct my wrong thinking and help me to be right-minded and be open, teachable and correctable. Amen.
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