Luke 4:16: “And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read”.
It was the “custom” or the lifestyle of Jesus to go to the synagogue and serve in the service. In a synagogue, the Torah is traditionally read by someone who is trained to read out aloud. The Torah is read in an ancient tune, musical notes and sung; it was not spoken. A Jewish adult who is comfortable and trained is invited to read or recite the Torah. Jesus was welcomed which means, He was trained in the traditional reading tones and He was familiar to the Rabbi of the synagogue as He was a regular attendee. It was the lifestyle of Jesus to worship along with the congregation.
Online services are for those who are unable to be physically present in a congregation due to health issues or physical ailment. It is not an alternative to attending a church service. After COVID restricted churches to congregate, many choose to conveniently attend the service online rather than attending in person. The author of Hebrews warns us not to give up the congregation of God’s people. Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another (Hebrews 10:25). Among all other good habits that we must develop, a habit of coming together to worship and learn the Word of God is extremely important.
If it was the lifestyle of Jesus, then, we have no excuse not to attend a church service in person. Develop and inculcate the habit in children to sit with reverence in a church service. Teach children the importance of coming together as a congregation and when they come of age, they will not leave the church. Jesus was taken to church when He was eight days old (Luke 2:21).
It was the custom and the lifestyle of Jesus to go to the synagogue.
Lifestyle of Godly Habits:
1. Edify: When we come together to worship we must edify one another. We don’t just learn from the sermons, we learn from each other. Sharing experiences and testimonies and developing godly friendships will help us to remain faithful and integrous.
2. Encourage: We come together to encourage each other in the faith journey. Find someone who needs encouragement. If we go with the willingness to serve and not to be served, the Lord will bring people who need help, encouragement, and prayer to you.
3. Elate: Personal touch and prayer uplifts our faith. And should any of the families of the earth not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of Hosts, then the rain will not fall on them (Zachariah 14:17). Jerusalem in this reference is the congregation of the saints. Developing a godly habit of attending church worship will drench us in the rain of blessings.
Develop godly habits and congregate for worship regularly.
Psalm 112:1 “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord”.
Prayer: Father God, let it be the custom of me and my family to be in your house, the church. Amen.
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