Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
There were five descriptive names given to the Messiah, by Isaiah the prophet, nearly 700 years before the birth of Jesus. The first name is “Wonderful”. The birth, life, death and the resurrection of Jesus stunned the scholars and the intellectuals. The virgin birth of Jesus cannot be scientifically explained nor intellectually understood. The word ‘wonderful’ simply means mindboggling; beyond human understanding. If scientists and intellects can comprehend the virgin birth or the creation of the world by the Word of God, then the name of the Lord cannot be “Wonderful”. For that matter, anything that can be logically elucidated or rationally proven is not “wonderful”.
With technological advancement and scientific discoveries, the fear of the Lord has jaded away. The fear of God that guided humanity has been replaced by worldly knowledge. As reverence for the Lord diminishes, the wonders of God’s creation are increasingly forgotten. The virgin birth is being debated, the miracles of Jesus questioned and his death and resurrection criticized by the ungodly generation that is contemptuous and contentious.
As we celebrate another Christmas, it is important to reflect back on the wonders of God our Creator. He is “The God of Wonders” who works wonders in us, for us and through us, even today.
His name is Wonderful:
1. Recollect: Christmas is a time to recollect His wonders and mighty works. There are many who make a wish-list to Santa but we must make a thank you list to Jesus. Recollect the wonders and worship Him.
2. Revere: Christmas is a time to share His awesome wonders to the world around us and rekindle the reverential fear of God.
3. Ruminate: Christmas is a time to ruminate on the goodness and the greatness of our God. It is not about eating, drinking, celebrating or about gifts, parties or holidays but it is all about cherishing the wonders of our God.
His name is Wonderful. Recollect, revere and ruminate on the wonders of our risen Messiah.
Prayer: Jesus my Master and my King, there is no one like you, no one equal, and no one above you. You are my Wonderful Saviour. Amen.
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