08 January 2025 – The Template – Part 1

Matthew 6:9a In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven.

There are two versions of the Lord’s Prayer found in the Gospels. Matthew is a slightly longer version while Luke is the shorter version that omits “deliver us from evil”. Jesus gave us a template as a guide to pray. Repeating the Lord’s Prayer multiple times from memory does not bring answers to our prayers. It is just vain babbling. “When you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words”. So, it is important to understand the outline of prayer from the template in the Gospels.

Jesus opened the prayer by addressing God the Father as “Our Father”. Many struggle to see God as their Father because their biological fathers have failed to model the role of a father. Their human reasoning begins to see God as judgemental, partial, controlling, abusive or merciless as they envision the Heavenly Father through the reflection of their human fathers.

Jesus established our relationship with God as our Father as we were created in God’s DNA. We are created in the image of God. Based on genetic studies, scientists estimate that up to 60% of your personality is inheritable. If this is true scientifically, then spiritually we have inherited 100% of our personality from our Heavenly Father. Our spirit man is perfectly created in the DNA of our Heavenly Father. The character of our Father in Heaven has been deposited like a seed in our spirit.

The DNA of Our Father:

1.         DNA: Our inbuilt “Deoxyribonucleic Acid” is the nature of our Heavenly Father. As we nurture His nature, we will replace the corrupt genes that we have inherited from our bloodline with the divine DNA of our Heavenly Father.

2.         Desire: As we call on our Heavenly Father, our human wants and needs are replaced with God’s desires. What burdens His heart will become our burden as well.

3.         Disposition: Disposition is a person’s inherent qualities of mind, temperament and character. The first part of our prayer is to surrender our human disposition to be replaced by God’s divine disposition and DNA.

Starting our prayer by addressing God as “Our Father” germinates the Divine DNA in us.

Prayer: Abba Father, please invigorate your DNA to take root and my human disposition be replaced by your Divine DNA. Amen.

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