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13 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 8

Joshua 10:8 The Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid of them; I have given them into your hand. Not one of them will be able to withstand you.” The Amorite kings heard about the invasions of Joshua and five kings allied together to attack Gibeon as the Gibeonites had signed a peace treaty...


12 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 7

1 Samuel 17:24 Whenever the Israelites saw the man (Goliath), they all fled from him in great fear. The champion of the Philistines, Goliath the giant, was about 2.06 meters tall, came and stood before the army of the Israelites with his bronze helmet and wearing a coat of bronze armour weighing 42 kgs. The...


11 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 6

Exodus 17:8 The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. Jewish historical evidences prove that Amalekites, the enemy of the Israel,  were a generation corrupt with moral turpitude, filthy behaviour and disgusting attitude. Israelites were journeying from Egypt to Canaan under the guidance of the cloud of pillar. Exodus 13:21 By day the LORD went...


10 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 5

Exodus 14:24 Egyptians said, “Let’s get away from the Israelites! The Lord is fighting for them against Egypt.”.    After being oppressed for over 400 years, the Israelites embarked on the journey of escape from Egypt. However, their rejoicing lasted only until they saw the large army of 600 chariots and the Pharaoh chasing them....


09 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 4

1 Kings 22:4 Ahab asked Jehoshaphat, “Will you go with me to fight against Ramoth Gilead?. Jehoshaphat, was a God fearing King of Judah who ruled with humility and honesty. God had given him a great victory against his enemies  the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites however, in the latter years of his rule, he allied...


08 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 3

Genesis 14:14 When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he called out the 318 trained men born in his household and went in pursuit as far as Dan. Abram whose name was later changed to Abraham zealously arouse and went against the five kings who took his nephew and his possessions captive. Genesis...


07 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 2

Exodus 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord. Moses was plunged into a battle with the most powerful political...


06 October 2020 – Pick Your Battles – Part 1

Psalms 144:1 Blessed be the Lord, my rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle. Pick your battles. You don’t have to show up to every argument you’re invited to – Mandy Hale. God does not need our participation in all the battles, He only needs our presence. Godly wisdom will...