Tag: Hindrances

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16 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 7

1 Kings 13:11 Now there was a certain old prophet living in Bethel, whose sons came and told him all that the man of God had done there that day. They also told their father what he had said to the king. 1 Kings 13 is a chapter with deep spiritual truth and insightful lessons. The Lord...


15 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 6

Matthew 14:31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Doubt is the big barrier and boulder that crushes progress. Did you know that faith and doubt can co-exist? ‘Faith’ and ‘Doubt’ are like two foxes in our soul – the fox we feed...


13 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 4

2 Kings 7:2 The officer on whose arm the king was leaning said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” “You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!” Our words can be...


12 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 3

1 Samuel 15:10-11 Then the word of the Lord came to Samuel: “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned away from me and has not carried out my instructions.” Samuel was angry, and he cried out to the Lord all that night. Disobedience and partial obedience to suit our own...


11 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 2

Luke 8:14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature. Worries, riches and ungodly pleasures can become hindrances. It is a sin to wallow in worries. Worries and cares of life will choke the Word of God out of...


10 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 1

Judges 8:27 Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family. The Lord God took a nobody: ‘Gideon’, and made him somebody; but, rather than giving God all the glory Gideon made...